Holy Vagina-ing Vaginas, Vaginawoman!

Is that enough ‘vagina’, Avedon?

The word “vagina” is in the title of this post

Vagina – now suspend me”:

3 High school girls from Lewisboro, New York were suspended from school for saying the word ‘vagina’ at a public reading, against the direction of the school’s staff.


I challenge every blogger who reads this, to use the word “vagina” in a blog post title, linking to Debra’s site to give your readers the reason why you’re speaking up for the genital that’s getting the short end of the free speech stick in a New York school.

“Vagina Verboten”:

More importantly, they received a monumental life lesson on what it means to be born with a vagina.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.

1 Comment

  • […] == UPDATE: The following bloggers have taken the Vagina Challenge: Dave Rosie Nicole Tanya Dodos Meghan Liberal Avenger Larry The Courtesan Connection Late Edition – from Australia Cris Ellie Miss Cellania Dan The_Yecart Stephen Avedon Ross The Hall Monitor Peri Progressive Gold Spiiderweb […]