Dr Laura Psycho Hellspawn Watch Update Thing

It turns out that serving soldier and notoriously violent MySpace user Deryk Schlessinger, son of radio personality Dr Laura Schlessinger, was also the GOP goon who kicked a young woman in the head at the 2004 Republican convention.

Republic of T has the video and more..

Can’t wait for the next revelation. It’s almost as good entertainment as Dynasty until you remember Schlessinger’s violence is real.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.


  • Edmund Schluessel

    May 22, 2007 at 1:00 pm
  • Lol

    May 22, 2007 at 1:33 pm

    There is, for the most part a news blackout at “home” in Santa Barbara on the Hope Ranch multi-millionaire’s Bishop and Schlessinger “family values” investigation of the kid. When local KEYT TV put their web page with an image, supposedly of Deryk Schlessinger, the image is of Jon Moldovan. Moldovan is also in Afghanistan with Deryk. He is former fiancé, Megan’s brother. Jon is one of Deryk’s “brothers”. Have you read the text on the web site? We don’t just call this psycho, it is homicidal. He’d be a terrorist if he wasn’t from privilege.

    You can follow the local news blackout or whitewash with the links in the Santa Barbara News-Press Controversy at Wikipedia. Long before this the Santa Barbara News-Press has done their part to limit freedom of press and speech. You can follow their reporting on this, LOL! L. Schlessinger scared a blogger, Worker Bee, and caused them to shut down a site that was to follow her local column. It maybe lasted 4-6 weeks.

    KEYT TV has received calls since about 7:00PM 5/21/07 about the image that is not Schlessinger. The last we checked they haven’t made correction.

  • Palau

    May 22, 2007 at 3:00 pm

    ooh cheers.

  • SteveAudio

    May 23, 2007 at 3:29 am

    I did a post using, and crediting, your posts about Deryk:


    My good friend John Amato @ Crooks & Liars linked to me, which of course gave me a good traffic bump, and hopefully people will click through to your fine posts, as well.

    I may put my post up at Huffington Post as well, although I will probably leave off the part about the Republican Convention since there seems to be some dispute about that.

    Regardless, your first post is very well done, and thanks for it.

    I would have emailed you guys but couldn’t find an address, so, if you wish, email me, thanks.


  • Palau

    May 23, 2007 at 6:30 am

    Thanks Steve, I did wonder where the sudden 7,000-ood traffic bump came from :)

    I really didn’t know much about Dr Laura except in passing, being as I am a Brit in Holland. But I am fascinated by social rightwingery as much as political and the story caught my eye as a prime example of what might cause the connection beteen rightwingery and violently disordered personalities. Besides, it’s always fun to point and laugh at the Right. The the more I read the more I realised how widely this woman’s mad ideas were being spread and how highly they were regarded by some listeners. It struck me as dangerous at the very least.

    Email addy is sandriana at cloggie dot org , dunno why it didn’t get put on the front page when we moved to WordPress – fixed now.

  • Frank Parker

    May 23, 2007 at 11:39 am


    How did it vanish from the Internet? No one got a screen captuire? Is wayback machine in on the coverup too?

    Sounds like a hoax, folks.

  • Palau

    May 23, 2007 at 1:24 pm

    If it is a hoax, doubtless that will also become clear and be blogged about too as it’ll be just as interesting as the original report. If you as depserate as you say to se it, perhaps you should address your queries to the reporter at the newspaper that originated of the story (the link is in the original post).

    I just blogged about that story; it’s not my story, I’m not a paid journalist and don’t claim to be, and I’m not obligated to give sources. You are obviously web-literate, it’s a big internet, why not go look?

    And since you seem bent on suggesting conspiracy here’s one for you – why on earth would any reputable newspaper want to participate in a hoax against a minor radio personality’s offspring? I’d love to hear why you think they might.

  • Lol

    May 23, 2007 at 10:10 pm

    I hear there are many screen captures. I’ve seen plenty. I guess it’s all “allegedly” for now. Even so you need to read text.

    “allegedly” Deryk in Kahandahar in the goat image.

    If they get his past history, you see a pattern.

    In Santa Barbara the local tv website, KEYT, put up the wrong image. The MISINFORMATION part of this should be a big story. Schlessinger works for Santa Barbara News-Press. Another big story. Schlessinger is the Walter Winchell for the paper. Many dirty tricks going on. Another internet scandal, child porn and scandal.

  • deeb

    May 24, 2007 at 12:08 am
  • Palau

    May 24, 2007 at 4:16 am

    lol: do tell.

    Oh, I see you did upthread:)

  • Lol

    May 24, 2007 at 9:18 pm

    More questions, few answers. The “who is the Republican thug” is not settled. I thought I sent the images of 1. Deryk with Santa and 2. the same angle of thug? The jaw line? Similar? Also images of the other suspects. None looked like the thug.
    We always thought if it was not Deryk, she would have had his image released for all to see it was NOT Deryk.. Instead, there was a near black out of his image. Until the proud moment at Andy Granatelli’s “best party of the year”.

    In U.S. we recently had congressional hearings for Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch over Army cover ups and lies. They can get by with murder. There is no guarentee it won’t happen again. A less privileged suspect would be locked up, no lawyer. They would not be calling the extremely disturbed cartoons merely “repulsive” or instantly suggest an “enemy” plot. This is already suspect.

    The past of Deryk matters, because it could show a pattern. Her “contacts” may give him a medical excuse. If he’s out no one will say where he goes for his safety? He could go to England, she already fancies he’s like “Prince Harry”.

    Contact LaPlante about things like what is cached. The former schoolmate brought this up because they know he should not have guns.
    I know there are screen captures. More will come out, we hope. The reason people do captures in Santa Barbara is because you get use to things disappearing with these people. If you checked Santa Barbara News-Press and Wendy McCaw (Wikpedia et al), her money is from telecommunications. She brought Bill Gates into her divorce mess. She’s suing Google for anonymous names. They’re vicious.

    Deryk’s jawline and the thugs?

  • who did it today?

    May 25, 2007 at 11:05 pm

    What happened with this 82nd Airborne incident? Did anyone investigate the Deryk rumors? only 2 or 3 of 7 were court martialed.

    This is a bad copy and only alleged. WARNING. you might want to delete

    The Tribune may release and verify more. I can’t verify but saw the website with others. It is from the website that linked to Schlessingers page. There are more.

  • Palau

    May 26, 2007 at 2:42 am


    Are you saying that Schlessingers son is a gay military hooker too?

  • who did it today?

    May 27, 2007 at 2:52 am

    There are many things to investigate. I don’t have verified answers. I know what I saw. Others saw it. LaPlante has documentation, I believe. More needs to come out.

    It was suspicious, he could easily be one of the Army 7. For years things have been covered up. He acts out, has had similar internet activity(not guns). This website I saw fits his reputation and other things I’ve seen. He does mask alot with jerk humor.
    He also claims not to be gay.

    The pages (sent) above is part of what I saw (others, too) I’m convinced he did the website. It is like him. He had 9 Army Friends, a person from Michigan and 4 girls. Their sites were real. Shared Pics. Comments.


    The Army has lowered it’s standards. They cover up and lie. Like the recent Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch Congressional hearings.

    The Pics with gun in mouth are NOT fake. It is Deryk. She has kept him out of pictures for years, he’snot easily recognized. Now the one in mediabistro IS NOT HIM. The public needs to see this. Read about psycho Steve Green, he got “honorable discharge.”

    Re: Steve Green”That kid should have never ever been let in the military,” Hess told NEWSWEEK, adding that her son would refer to Green in conversations as “the total idiot who’s trying to get out” of the Army. “Goes to show you what kind of scum the military lets in. The recruiters will take anything with warm blood.” Green’s lawyer, Patrick Bouldin, says he can’t comment on the case but added: “Critical comments about Mr. Green from a codefendant or his camp are always viewed with heavy skepticism because of the high likelihood of bias.”

  • who did it today?

    May 27, 2007 at 11:36 pm

    Today I heard it’s got to be anti-war activists. hmmm… terrorists, gay-activist.. that’s 2 for activists.

  • John Defalque

    June 2, 2007 at 8:06 pm

    “I am my psycho child’s mom” Just saw “Docs” nudie pics-she should’ve owned up to them right away and said “Yeah I was hot then.” I am amazed that since she told so many others what to think and do that she actually renounced her Judaism a few years ago. Yes, she actually imposed the phase she was going through on millions of others.

  • Jennifer Taylor

    February 28, 2008 at 4:22 am

    As made first pointed out in The Republic of T.’s blog, another site the apparently witless Frank Parker visited, on the front page of The Wayback Machine’s site is a link to the FAQ which explicitly states they’ll pull content at the site owner’s request:

    “The Internet Archive is not interested in preserving or offering access to Web sites or other Internet documents of persons who do not want their materials in the collection. By placing a simple robots.txt file on your Web server, you can exclude your site from being crawled as well as exclude any historical pages from the Wayback Machine.”

    Hmm, yeah, The Wayback Machine really isn’t some state secrets only the uber-l33t internet savvy know about, and it appears as though you can easily get them to omit whatever you want covered up from their archives without even having to contact them.