Real science or closet racism? How to tell in one easy step.

Yes, once again the dreaded disease of bellcurvism has reared its ugly head, where people who loudly proclaim not to be racists believe that Science(tm) tells them that, unfortunately, these people are just less intelligent than us and here are the graphs to prove it.

Now you, as intelligent but busy blogreader could follow the back and forth of arguments to decide whether this really is science or closet racism masked as science, but you just don’t have the time. So here’s how to tell in a few easy steps:

  1. The claims made about a group’s intelligence are consistent with racist stereotypes about this group?
  2. It’s closet racism
  3. Erm.
  4. That’s it

Oh sure, Atrios and Lawyers, Guns and Money have some actual reasons why the science used in the most recent outbreak of bellcurvism is bogus, but only this blog saves you valuable reading time by providing this handy rule of thumb, leaving you free to look at more kittens.

And best of all, this method also works to determine whether something is real science, or sexism masked as science!