Good Moaning

Pissed off? Me? Why do you ask?

Bah. Bah, bah and thrice bah.

Got a spiffy new wireless keyboard and mouse and got rid of the old nasty sticky brick of a thing and all its attendant cordage, only for the new one to go tits-up a couple of days later leaving me functionally illiterate, blog-wise..

So now I have another new plugged-in jobby to get used to with my fingers feeling like sausages; I bought it just yesterday and already I’ve found the down, delete, insert and page down keys don’t work and I’m ready to throw the effing thing at the wall.

Unfortunately I have no other option but than to use it for the rest of the day, so expect more tpos.

I don’t what it is, but life always conspires to find me somehow offline whenever something really interesting happens, especially when it’s something I’ve been banging on about for years and actually know something about, like social security, tax and benefit systems and their IT and management shortcomings. (See Martin’s previous post and the front page of every major UK newspaper an media outlet)

Anyhow, now I am back online I shall spend the morning reading the public’s response on all the blogs and comment threads, but I suspect the overwhelming reaction’ll be similar to my own – Jesus wept, how much more incompetent can this bloody government be?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.