Post-election gloat: the betrayal of the wingnuts

It’s good to gloat, isn’t it? Not only did America vote for socialism, according to the wingnuts, but even their leaders have betrayed them. Mark Ames has the story:

Like the much more numerous Freepers, the mob at Pajamas Media is outraged because they have been betrayed. It’s not just that the liberals betrayed them, but that the leaders they’d followed — Fox News, right-wing bloggers, and the Republican elite who have been mobilizing their pitchfork fury — now find their savagery a liability, and they’re abandoning them. It’s the fury of having been played for a sucker — and the “real American” mob has been played for the biggest sucker in American history, as is clear from their sense of abandonment.

It is an incredible spectacle to behold: the Republican elite abandoning a 20-year narrative at the snap of a finger just to make sure that it is positioned well in the new Obama dynamic. The Republican elite has clearly decided that the “Real America” mob it had exploited had become a liability, but still it’s amazing how seamlessly and quickly it can throw its own audience overboard. Witness the smear campaign against the right-wing mob’s heroine, Sarah Palin, who is now being taken down by none other than Bill O’Reilly.

Fun as it is to see all those rageoids, queen bees and internet hard men waking up to discover they had just been thrown away like a day old condom, it’s also a bit worrying. These are the people who at every turn in their life have made the wrong choice; they’re not going to have any road to Damascus style conversion, see the light and become good Democrats. No, as documented by our good friends at Alicublog or Sadly, No, tif anything this experience is only going to harden their views, and having a legion of bitter, resentful, angry people around blaming Obama and the Democrats, as well as their erstwhile leaders for their own failures is not a recipe for happiness. We don’t need to look at the example of Weimar Germany to see how dangerous this situation could be, American history has a fair few examples of its own as well.