Yo, is this racist?

Finally a site that tells you if you’re racist or not. Of course, if you have to ask, you probably are. The guy behind it got a wicked sense of humour and I especially like his answer to the white supremacists who just found the site:

Now, I just wanted to say that, by and large, I will be ignoring your shit and not giving you a platform and definitely not a dialog on your ideas. Mainly this is because, at the end of the day, you’ve already lost. However flawed the world is now, you’re never going to achieve whatever open, racist, white supremacist world you so desperately want, and it’s not going to be particularly fun or useful to swear at you racist fucks.

Think of it this way, at some point in the future, when your kids, or your grandkids, or your great-grandkids speak of you, the nicest way they’ll be able to do it is to ignore the central thing that defines you, your racism. That’s at best. Obviously most likely you’ll be the scary, embarrassing, racist piece of trash that the family wishes never existed.

For more on Andrew Ti, the guy who runs the site, read this interview at Colorlines.

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