The ‘Miss Triggs question’

Mary Beard on the public voice of women:

But the more I have looked at the threats and insults that women have received, the more I have found that they fit into the old patterns I’ve been talking about. For a start it doesn’t much matter what line you take as a woman, if you venture into traditional male territory, the abuse comes anyway. It’s not what you say that prompts it, it’s the fact you’re saying it. And that matches the detail of the threats themselves. They include a fairly predictable menu of rape, bombing, murder and so forth (I may sound very relaxed about it now; that doesn’t mean it’s not scary when it comes late at night). But a significant subsection is directed at silencing the woman – ‘Shut up you bitch’ is a fairly common refrain. Or it promises to remove the capacity of the woman to speak. ‘I’m going to cut off your head and rape it’ was one tweet I got. ‘Headlessfemalepig’ was the Twitter name chosen by someone threatening an American journalist. ‘You should have your tongue ripped out’ was tweeted to another journalist. In its crude, aggressive way, this is about keeping, or getting, women out of man’s talk. It’s hard not to see some faint connection between these mad Twitter outbursts – most of them are just that – and the men in the House of Commons heckling women MPs so loudly that you simply can’t hear what they’re saying (in the Afghan parliament, apparently, they disconnect the mics when they don’t want to hear the women speak). Ironically the well-meaning solution often recommended when women are on the receiving end of this stuff turns out to bring about the very result the abusers want: namely, their silence. ‘Don’t call the abusers out. Don’t give them any attention; that’s what they want. Just keep mum,’ you’re told, which amounts to leaving the bullies in unchallenged occupation of the playground.

Call somebody a whore? Fine. Complain about it? Whoa now

Science blogger DNLee has her blog at the Scientific American network of science blogs, is approached by another network to guest blog for them. She asks some questions, including what their pay rate is and ultimately declines. Then the editor calls her a whore for not wanting to write for free for them. Below she describes the whole incident in her own words:

Then Scientific American responded by pulling her blog because “the post wasn’t appropriate for this area“, which of course is grade a nonsense. More relevant may just be the fact that Biology Online, the ones who approached DNLee, are a partner of SciAm.

dramatic chipmunk

As you may have noticed from the video above, DNLee is a woman of colour and you can’t help but think that if it had been a white man in this situation, SciAm would never have responded this way. Oh what the fuck am I saying? A white man would never be called a whore this way in the first place.

fuck this thing cat

Radical feminists war on trans people

Samantha Allen talks about the war on trans* people waged by a certain kind of radical feminist:

I’m an endangered species. Nearly half of people like me attempt suicide. Hundreds of us are murdered annually and, worldwide, that rate is only increasing. Those of us who have a job and a place to live often lose them both; too many of us can’t acquire either in the first place. What I am is a transgender woman, one of the lucky ones.


In some bizarre alternate reality, however, I’m seen as a villain who invades “real” women’s spaces and perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes. A small but vocal band of activists known as “Radfems” see transgender women like myself as a blight on the feminist movement, but — because their views are not representative of the feminist movement as a whole — many trans*-inclusive feminists refer to them as TERFs, or Trans*-Exclusionary Radical Feminists.

What a proper welfare state is also good for

Repelling obnoxious pick up artist douchebags:

“A Danish person has no idea what it feels like to not have medical care or free access to university education,” an awed Roosh reports. “They have no fear of becoming homeless or permanently jobless. The government’s soothing hand will catch everyone as they fall. To an American like myself, brainwashed to believe that you need to earn things like basic health care or education by working your ass off, it was quite a shock.”

Shock turns into disbelief and then rage when Roosh is rejected by heaps of “the most unfeminine and androgynous robotic women” he’s ever met. “Not a feminine drop of blood courses through their veins,” Roosh rants. He concludes that the typical fetching Nordic lady doesn’t need a man “because the government will take care of her and her cats, whether she is successful at dating or not.”

Yep, turns out people are much more confident when they’re not in fear of starving in the streets if they lose their jobs, or of getting bankrupted by medical expenses, meaning they’re much less willing to give in to assholes when it comes to sex as well. One more reason why rightwingers hate Obamacare, making it that much more difficult for them to get laid…