Top Stories, Tuesday 26 Nov

Better left unsaid on being contrary:

You talk about that bombing and gun play and craziness in the west bank. I’ll be over here talking about how I want to start taking ASL classes again and possibly some music theory. You talk about the need to kill a man. I’ll talk about the birth of my sea monkeys. You use witty (?) insults like “idiotarians.” I’ll tout my most recent dis phrase “weak sauce.” You talk about the art of war. I’ll talk about the art of moving butts.

Antidotal takes on the distortions and lies surrounding discussions about the Canandian health system in the US press:

Frum argues that the main virtue of the Canadian health care system is that it is “hassle free”–nevermind that it costs half as much per capita than the U.S. system does; or that no one goes without health care coverage, as opposed to the 16% of Americans who aren’t covered; or that virtually no Canadians went bankrupt because of medical bills last year, whereas 500,000 Americans did; or that HMOs can’t pressure doctors into determining which procedures are necessary or not–but that this convenience isn’t worth the long waiting times that occur in the Canadian system.

The Rittenhouse Review writes a long post about “Al Gore and the Alpha Girls”:

The Alphas of the media are the big guys and gals, the heavy hitters, the swinging dicks of popular political commentary, the fever-pitched voices that have developed a supernatural ability to reduce complicated political issues to the distorted and misleading five-word sound bites they use in both their written work and in their seemingly endless television and radio appearances.