Enlist Euan Blair

Which is the soldier and which the overprivileged oik? You choose.


Tony Blair finally made his century, then. He must be so proud.

31 January 2006 11:00

The 100th British soldier to die in Iraq is a Scot. The latest incident came in Um Quasr this morning. Just yesterday another Scot was killed when his patrol came under attack in the south of the country.

At about half past six UK time this morning an explosion took place in Um Quasr near Basra. One soldier, a Scot was killed in the incident. Three others were injured, one of them seriously. The soldiers’ names and regiment will not be released until next of kin have been informed.

This takes to 100 the number of UK troops to die on operations in Iraq since the start of hostilities almost exactly three years ago

Yet another family has lost a child for a lie: isn’t it time the Blairs made an equal sacrifice, since this is a cause Tony truly believes in? Dulce est decorum est and all that should be graven on his admittedly dicky heart, public schoolboy that he is.

Time to draft the Blair children, starting with Euan.

Tony and Cherie have four children. The eldest, Euan, born in 1984, has proved a bit of a yob, ending up in court for being “drunk and incapable” – sounds ideal for the Army – this incident notwithstanding, he’s used Daddy’s contacts very well indeed :

Educated at The London Oratory School in West London, Blair graduated with a BA in Ancient History from Bristol University in 2005. It has been reported that after graduation Blair will spend three months as an unpaid intern with Republican David Dreier and Republican Party staff on the Rules Committee of the United States House of Representatives. He will then cross the aisle and work for three months in the office of Democrat Jane Harman (a Blue Dog Democrat).

Second son Nicky was born in 1986:

Nicholas Blair (born January 6, 1985) is the second son of British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. As of 2005 he is a second-year Modern History student at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University. He is Secretary of Oxford University Labour Club.

Get that boy into OTC, ASAP.

Blair daughter Kathryn was born in 1988 – perfect cannon-fodder age, and as there’s no front line in Iraq I’m sure she’d see some combat and wqouldn’t be bored


Little Leo can be kept busy selling fluffy toys to pay for his siblings’ equipment, since they won’t get anything decent from the MOD.

Now I wouldn’t usually agree with attacking a politician through their children, but as Blair is letting voter’s children be killed on a regular basis for a lie, and if even the overprivileged Windsors can send a child to war, why can’t Blair, who started the bloody war in the first place?

Make Tony Blair pay for his own mistakes – why should others have had to?

Enlist The Blair Children Now!

UPDATE: King Robert Speaks finds Spinwatch, which has this from Private Eye, which makes it that much more imperative to enlist the little fucker:

Private Eye

February 6, 2006, Issue 1150

“WHAT a surprise that Tony Blair?s son Euan has found a work experience placement with the City spin doctors, Finsbury. Roland Rudd, the Finsbury founder and friend of Peter Mandelson, has been cosying up to “new” Labour for many years. In 2001 Finsbury?s party guests also included the present Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell and Education Ministers (and peer) Andrew Adonis, as well as the then Labour party boss, also since ennobled, Lord Triesman.

Finsbury previously hired the former private secretary of the Dear Leader?s close pal, the Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer. Such contacts and support for Labour events at conference time perhaps helped merit the 2002 contract to advise then Transport Secretary Stephen “Liar” Byers over the Railtrack collapse.

So look out for the pay-off… most likely to come for such a selfless act as explaining to Blair the Younger the dark arts of being paid to lie… “

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.