Did we time travel back to 2002 or what?

Atrios calls out that stupid fucker Kevin “I thought Kenneth Pollack was smart” Drum on Drum’s amnesia about the war debate and asks:

..adding, as I meant to say in the original post, there are also numerous obvious bad consequences to killing a bunch of people for no good reason. So, yes, there were numerous reasons to oppose this war and no good reasons to support it. Why are we still arguing about this?

Because the idiots and criminals who conspired to get the War on Iraq going, have not had to pay for their crimes yet. Worse they’ ve been rewarded for it. As long as that is the case, as long as having been wrong about the War on Iraq carries no cost, people will be able to argue that having been a supporter of the war was the right thing to do.

In this case, Kevin Drum is just self aware enough and still possesses a rudimentary sense of shame, so he’s unable to argue with a straight face that he made the right choice at the time, but what he can do is rubbish his then opponents.

For this to stop, people need to start losing their cushy thinktank jobs and pundit gigs. People like Peter Beinart or Kenneth Pollack should at the very least be laughed of television when they open their big fat mouths.

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