Found: Wingnuts’ Missing Brain Cells

So IOKIYAR is a medical condition now.

Damn. I know I’ve always said wingnuts were lacking something upstairs, but looks like Rachel Moraon and the other idiots just like her could have a physical excuse for theirr dreadful behaviour.

From the BBC:

‘Altruistic’ brain region found

Wingnut brain

The brain area was more active among the altruistic group

Scientists say they have found the part of the brain that predicts whether a person will be selfish or an altruist.

Altruism – the tendency to help others without obvious benefit to oneself – appears to be linked to an area called the posterior superior temporal sulcus.

Using brain scans, the US investigators found this region related to a person’s real-life unselfish behaviour.

The Duke University Medical Center study on 45 volunteers is published in Nature Neuroscience.

Selfless tendencies

The participants were asked to disclose how often they engaged in different helping behaviours, such as doing charity work, and were also asked to play a computer game designed to measure altruism.

The study authors say their work could have important implications.

They are now exploring ways to study the development of this brain region in early life and believe such information may help determine how altruistic tendencies are established.

Researcher Dr Scott Huettel explained: “Although understanding the function of this brain region may not necessarily identify what drives people like Mother Theresa, it may give clues to the origins of important social behaviours like altruism.”


Argh, why do bigots and shit-for-brainers always get a cop-out no matter how bad the things they do are?

Next thing you know IOKIYAR will be listed as medical condition, they’ll be claiming disability and soon they’ll raising money from Scaife and his cronies for lobby groups and thinktanks to agitate for in favour the altruism-impaired.

Bur wait! They already have one. My duh.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.