“And Next Week, We Show You How To Tackle Nuclear Proliferation By Skipping A Coffee-Break”

This story about what massive sacrifices some Alabama ’60s throwbacks are prepared to make to stop the Iraq war came from Ananova, and I’m still trying to make out whether it’s real or made up. If it’s real, how did Ananova find it? Is this couple self-obsessed enough to have sent out a press release?

Bed-in protest

A US couple are staging a John and Yoko-style bed-in protest against the war in Iraq.

Ernie and Lynn Seewer of Mobile, Alabama, have moved their bed into their living room and want others to do the same.

Ernie told the Press-Register: “Like John Lennon and Yoko said: “Hey, we don’t mind acting the fools – if we can get our message out”.”

During the bed-in, the Seewers still go to work and go about their daily lives as usual. But at night, they sleep in the living room.

Ernie said the process of moving the bed from one room to the other was “rough.”

“You take it apart, and you move the couch around and the coffee table around,” he said. “It was kind of a big project.” [My emphasis]

Lynn, a volunteer literacy tutor, added: “I’ve tried, you know, writing letters and making phone calls and e-mails and the proper channels, and that’s gotten me nowhere.”

Ernie, a media productions specialist at the University of South Alabama, said he first thought of the bed-in during Thanksgiving.

“We’re all going around eating turkey and dressing and having a good old time when our guys are dying over there,” he said. “Remember, it’s a war.”

Yes, and all this week to end world hunger I shall be watching DVDs instead of telly and drinking PG Tips instead of Typhoo. I reckon the cause is worth any sacrifice.

Are the Seewers really deluded enough to think they’re going to fire up the populace like this or are they just after their 5 minutes 30 seconds in the spotlight?

Oh right, my duh. Mr Seeger is a media productions specialist. I should’ve known – it’s art. As you were, then.

As any fule kno art spray paints any inanity with instant press credibility and newworthiness,m which neatly answers the self-obsession and press release questions.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.