Euphemism If You Want To

Via BoingBoing and Ananova:

Hoohaa’ over Vagina Monologues

A charity production of The Vagina Monologues in Florida has changed its name after a woman complained it was offensive.

Atlantic Theatres in Atlantic Beach changed the title of the play to The Hoohaa Monologues, reports Metro.

It came after a complaint from a woman who had driven past the theatre with her niece who had asked her what a vagina was.

The theatre’s Bryce Pfanenstiel said: “I’m on the phone and asked “What did you tell her?” She’s like, “I’m offended I had to answer the question”.”

Some have welcomed the change to The Hoohaa Monologues, while others expressed confusion. “It sounds like a country band,” one passer by commented to local TV station WJXT.

The production is being staged by a group of law students, with all proceeds going to charity. The director has asked for the title to be changed back.

The “Hoohaa” Monologues.. Oh dear.

That woman’s almost as bad as my sister the hypocrite, who told her daughters to call their pudendae their ‘tuppences’, thus neatly amalgamating prudery with the notion of sex for sale. Way to screw up their values.

I have to agree that The Hoohaa Monologues is an excellent name for a country band, though.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.