” Mr. Blackadder assures me that this will be the first honest vote ever in a rotten borough”

The 18th century is alive and kicking down in the West Country, due to the lethargy of the electorate:

Voteless politician to win nine seats

An estate manager will this week win a place on nine different councils without receiving a single vote.

Chris Byrne, 40, will be automatically elected because he is the only candidate.

It means he will win seats on Axbridge town council, Cheddar, Rooksbridge, Compton Bishop, Weare, Banwell and Draycott parish councils and two on Sedgemoor district council, reports the Daily Mirror.

But Chris, who nursed comic legend Frankie Howerd in his last years and still lives in Frankie’s old home in Axbridge, Somerset, faces a contest for two more on North Somerset council.

An Independent, Chris insisted he will not be overstretched: “I’m very organised and even if I can’t make all the meetings I’ll always be available to do my duties. It’s scandalous that more people don’t care about politics.”

I’m sure he’s a very nice and able man, but that’s not democracy.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.