21st Century America, or 1970’s Argentina?

Which fascist Banana Republic will torture and disappear anyone, even children as young as 7?

Is it Honduras? is it East Timor? Is it Cambodia, maybe? Or Nicaragua? What about Colombia then, ’cause that’s a bit nasty? Is it El bloody Salvador and the death squads again?

Answer; none of the above – for once – though that’s where the current practitioners got their very thorough training. Can you spell Negroponte?

But no, as you well knew, it’s the good old US of A, aided by it’s good buddies in the British government and the new EU accession countries.

Los Desaparecidos De Septiembre 11….

Rights Groups List 39 Disappeared In War On Terror

Six human rights groups urged the U.S. government on Thursday to name and explain the whereabouts of 39 people.


The United States has acknowledged detaining three of the 39. The groups said, however, that there was strong evidence, including witness testimony, of secret detention in 18 more cases and some evidence of secret detention in the remaining 18 cases.

Joanne Mariner of Human Rights Watch said it was unknown if the suspects were now in U.S. or foreign custody, or even alive or dead.

“We have families who have not seen their loved ones for years. They’ve literally disappeared,” Mariner told Reuters.

Among the cases detailed in the report is the detention in September 2002 of two children, then aged seven and nine, of confessed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was later detained and is now held at Guantanamo.

Read more

Like a puddle in the sun my residual sympathy for the mass of Americans who just sit by while their government is imprisoning, disappearing and torturing childreni, yet who gorge on paedophile-exposing reality tv shows like candy, is drying up.

The liberals are just as bad, thinking that a democratic candidate’s winning of the next election will solve everything, the white knight is on his way, the cavalry is coming, hurrah!, so they can sit back and wait for the Democratic groundswell to clear away all the murderous trash in DC.

What a copout.

I suspect their are millions worldwide, formerly well-disposed, who feel just like me. Not terrorists, not reflexively anti-american, just seriously pissed off and out of patience with the US government’s brutality and arrogance and it’s citizens’ apathy.

There’s another 2 years of this adminstration to come yet. If they’ll disappear and torture children, like the 60 in Guantanamo and the children abusd in Abu Ghraib that we do lnow about and then there’s the unknown and unnumbered ones that we don’t know about.

The Republicans will do anything, anything at all to grab and maintain power. If they’d imprison, torture and/or rape a child, what would they not do?

To stand idly by while they do this is to be complicit. All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing, and so it’s proved.

I’d like to say you deserve what you get, but as it’s necessary to say again and again and again to Americans – it’s not all about you.

Unlike you the rest of us don’t even get the figleaf of a nominally democratic vote in the presidential election. We just have to deal with the fallout of your stupidity.

But hey, there’s plenty more diposable brown children. The stars and stripes forever, eh?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.