Comment Of The Day

Simon Jenkins’ excellent Guardian article pointing out that the Pope is a totally bonkers megalomaniac (my description, not Jenkins’) for condemning the C of E as ‘not a real church’ inspired this nicely potted explanation of Roman Catholicism:


July 13, 2007 5:02 AM

The whole thing is so arcane. Edit a bunch of mixed up writings and call it “The Book”, stir in a bunch of Classical Greek philosophy and miscellaneous Mediterranean cultural practices, sift it through 1500 years of imperial politics and arguments over stuff like whether some dead Jewish apocalyptarian had one body or two, not forgetting to keep a few ingredients from all the other weird religions you’ve displaced, then try to jam it into the modern scientific world like fitting an African elephant into the boot of the Pope-mobile.

What can you say? I don’t know how anyone, looking round at the world today and the universe it spins in, can claim to know the will of God with such certainty.

Unless they are schizophrenic, and there have been enough of those in the history of religion, certainly.

40 days in the desert with no food and water would make anybody see things, yes. Not that that deserves crucifixion.

You want to be Catholic, fine, whatever, as long as you don’t interfere with the rest of us. O one thing I don’t understand about today’s Catholics is how they can look at Pope Benedict and see holiness and benevolence, when what I see is Uncle Fester the Child Molester.

It’s the bloodless complexion and the tiny beady glinti from down in those massive hollow eyesockets… and the row of little grey teeth in his trap of a mouth….

In fact the more I think of it he becomes less Fester and more Pennywise The Clown sans makeup. Oh my… who put those those orange pompoms on the Papal Prada?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.

1 Comment

  • Martin Wisse

    July 14, 2007 at 6:33 am

    It would also have helped if the Catholic Church had actually stopped those child buggering priests, rather than covering up for them.