Comment of the Day: Hooray For Hollywood?

Remember this?

[Click for bigger image]

The picture below is what stopped the ballot recounts in Florida shortly after it seemed that Legitimate President Gore had a lead. The “citizens” started what was later called “the preppy riot”. Screaming, yelling, pounding on the walls, these “outraged citizens” intimidated the polling officials to halt the recount. A closer look reveals who they really were. They were bussed and flown in at Republican lawmakers expense. Some even flew in on Tom Delay’s private plane.

Wingnut thugs on parade at the 'preppy riot', Miami 2000.

Here’s regular Digby commenter RU Reddy on news that Kevin Spacey’s making a movie about the 2000 Florida presidential recount:

I hope they get the finale right.

January 6, 2001. A joint session of congress is held to certify the electoral vote. Twenty members of the House, most of whom are part of the Congressional Black Caucus, attempt to contest the awarding of Florida’s 25 electoral votes to Bush. Their objection is based on credible allegations of African American voter disenfranchisement in that state. They need at least one Senator to sign on to their motion in order to proceed to the next parliamentary step (each body would seperately debate the merits of the motion then vote whether to sustain it).

Not one single Democratic Senator has the guts to support the motion, not one.

It turns out that Tom Daschle had cut a deal with Trent Lott to share power in Senate Committees in return for Democratic silence. Comity and bipartisan reconciliation reign. (It is David Broder’s wet dream.) There is peace in the Village.


And all this time I had thought that the Democratic Leaders and Senators were just afraid of looking bad. So it was a cynical deal all along? No surprise then that the Leadership Democrats oppose impeachment. Bush really is their President too, and was all along.
R U Reddy | 09.26.07 – 1:08 am | #

Well, quite.

Congressional Democrats are planning on letting this administration get away with election fraud yet again. The Democratic party simply cannot be trusted.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.