A Visit To The Beach

This is why every bit of me that wasn’t already hurting is hurting – yesterday we went to Oostkapelle in Zeeland and got very wet and very cold indeed.

I’m not cut out for this going out lark any more although Martin’s little nieces, well protected in their all enveloping raingear and tiny wellies, loved it – but then they had the super-size, all terrain, 4×4 buggy to retreat to, unlike this poor bloody invalid.

When the rain that you can see looming on the horizon hit us, and hit is the right word, we repaired with all possible speed to the castle museum cafe for warme chocolademelk met slagroomand weiner melange coffee, where I was very taken with the chairs, made of autumn leaves imbedded in thick strips of clear resin


Want. Cold and wet and hurting on the other hand – do not want.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.