Onward Christian Soldiers

USAnians, you think you’ve got problems with the God Squad. General Sir Richard Dannatt, the evangelical Anglican in charge of Britain’s army:

I think there is very much an obligation on a Christian leader to include a spiritual dimension into his people’s preparations for operations and the general conduct of their lives.’

Well, OK, nice of him to care about his troops’ psychic wellbeing, I suppose. But then Dannatt went on:

“In my business, asking people to risk their lives is part of the job, but doing so without giving them the chance to understand that there is a life after death is something of a betrayal,” he said.

So…. he’s persuading young men to go gladly to their deaths by telling them an unprovable fairy tale of post-mortem bliss ?

That sounds familiar.

Pope Urban II recruiting for the Crusades promised that all who died in the reclamation of the Holy Land from the infidels would be forgiven all venal sins and ascend immediately to Heaven (paradise).

Last June the general gave a seminar to his senior commanders, telling them to prepare for ‘generational conflict’ with an Islamic jihad.

What’s the odds his next speech will have the word ‘martyr’ in it’?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.