Comedy Double

Wo-o-o-o-o-oooooo! Scary….

Since it’s Halloween here’s some horror-themed comedy clips for your delectation and delight. First up, part one of episode one of the ’80s horror spoof, “The most significant TV event since Quantum Leap”, Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace.

Oh no, not Clive Barker, no, not Clive Barker at all. Not even a little bit. Parts one and two can be seen here.

YouTube also hosts a whole subgenre of horror remakes of classic movie trailers. Who knew Mary Poppins could be so malevolent?

Arrgh! It’s The Circle Of ….Death!!!!: Yes, it’s The Lion King, recut.

Some people are very easily spooked indeed. It doesn’t take very much:

There’s nothing like a good scare to get you going. Who needs caffeine products, when you’ve got adrenaline?

Is it cruel to scare kids at Halllowe’en? I don’t know, but it sure is funny:

Don’t think you can go running to the loo for safety either:

One of the best things about Halloween is the dressing up, No wonder dogs hate the holiday:

Bonus clips:

Won’t someone think of the poor pumpkins? It’s a massacre, I tell you:

“It’s why we’re free, it’s why we’re Americans, so we can blow shit up!:” More pumpkin torture, NSFW due to a lot of swearing:

Bonus bonus clips:

Man, those skellies can swing….

Not sure I don’t prefer them disembodied:

Happy Hallowe’en!

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.