The Power Behind The Throne Blog

In the interest of prudency and knowing your enemy Jesus’ General has been doing a little wingnut talent-spotting:

A rising star in the GOP’s minor leagues

Diane Ensey
Rovian Republican
A-List Review

Dear Mrs. Ensey,

I’ve been following the recent scandal about how you created a blog so you could anonymously attack your husband’s city council opponent, Ron Bonlander. I was particularly impressed by your alleged fabrication of a report that Mr. Bonlander had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. It might seem like a little thing now, but we Republicans respect mendacity, and I’m sure you’ll be asked to help the party lie about bigger things in the future. Who knows, maybe you’ll be tapped to provide the evidence that Iran was behind the California wildfires. I sure hope so. I think you deserve it.


What a lovely specimen she sounds but she’s just one of many political spouses who have problems with boundaries.

When I asked a while back whether spouses should be on the ballot too I was writing with tongue partially-in-cheek: but Ensey was exactly the type of poltical spouse I had in mind,.Another Judy Giuliani, a political spouse who will stop at nothing to get her chosen lifemate elected so that she can play first lady – or alternatively so that she can later use her partner’s poll success and name-recognition as a stepping stone to her own Evitaesque ascendancy to office.

Diane Ensey has several web-based businesses and touts her services as an expert on blogs and blogging:

As a thwarted journalist, Diane was delighted to discover blogging at the 2005 BBS in Seattle. She currently blogs for Know More Media at A List Review and Do Real Time and is owner of Beyond Paper which helps business owners put the internet to work for their company. An active proponent of blogs and blogging, Diane runs workshops for ‘regular folks’, introducing them to blogs and the world of blogging. She lives in Yakima, WA.

She discovered blogging in 2005 and she’s an expert? Not expert enough to hide her sockpuppetry.

The logo blurb at Ensey’s ‘Beyond Paper’ proclaims that it’s ‘making the internet work for you!’. Um. It’s not working very well for her at the moment, is it?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.