Comment of The Day – Pickles For Prez!

ElsafromIndy commenting at the Guardian makes a incidental yet frightening point that should make American voters quake in their boots:

Hillary rode into the US Senate on the coat tails of her husband. She is no feminist although she likes to talk the talk. Her “experience” is just more lies and distortions.

What this means is Laura Bush can come striding out claiming experience to be the next president as well. What can of worms has Hillary opened by her false claims of experience?

Well, quite.

The problem with the Evita syndrome is that the succeeding spouse need not have any real talent or solid political achievement behind her or him to aspire to high office. The media sycophancy and special treatment they’ve had as VIP partners is sufficient to convince them that they are indeed special, important, powerful, the potential saviours of their country and planet.

Who knows who’ll stand next?

Pickles For Prez! Cherie for Chequers! They could sell them to the electorate as The Good Bush and Blair. Why the hell not? It works for Hillary.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.