The Other Theft

While the public’s attention is on taxpayer billions being stolen with one Republican hand, the democratic process is being stolen with the other…

I found this description of dirty electioneering in the comments to another TPM post re the anti-Islam agitprop DVD that’s being inserted and distributed in newspapers in key voting districts by an unknown (possibly the JDL) lobby group. They’ll try anything to confuse and obsfuscate voters out of their ballots:

The mailing was addressed to me, but using a form of my name (an extra initial) I don’t use – and am not registered under. It was two forms for absentee ballots inside. But on the reverse of the address – photos of 4 “bad guys” (Chavez, Osama, Kim Jong Il, and the president of Iran… not gonna try to spell his name). When I went to City Hall I found out that many people had received a mailing telling them to send the request for absentee ballot to the WRONG city!! Our city clerk was annoyed because this costs the city postage, telling someone they sent the form to the wrong place. Or if I had applied under the name as they addressed it to me, I would not have shown up as registered! That was my concern, as I have a hispanic last name – and was concerned I’d been targeted for that reason.

This is just one person in one voting district – how many hundreds of thousands of others are being taken in by this Republican ratfuckery – and is it enough to swing the election?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.