A Spot Of Gardening Leave


It’s another glorious day, as it was yesterday, but yesterday I missed most of being at the hospital tethered to the dialysis machine. So today I’m staying outside to bask in the results of all the work I put into the garden last year and listen to Radio 5’s coverage.

At the moment Tony McNulty is on trying to spin the 177,000 increase in unemployed workers since February (if that’s the actual figure) as less bad than expected. It was ever thus).

McNulty’s the Employment Minister and the man who claimed a second home allowance to the tune of 60 grand to pay for his parents’ house, 8 miles from his main home in London: now he’s touting Gordon Browns panic measures on MP’s expenses as an example of labour’s commitment to transparency.

He wasn’t exactly sympathetic to the new wasted generation, he was only interested in justifying his theft from the taxpayers and in claiming the protection of the very laws he ignored himself to prevent his wrongdoing coming to light.

He also signally failed to mention that the door of his constituency office was grafittied with the words “that’s £60,000 you owe me Tony” last week.

Pathetic. Unlike my clematis.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.

1 Comment

  • Ben

    May 14, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    Will all MP’s expenses claims be made public?