Proud of Britain

What sort of country sends a dozen uniformed officers to haul innocent sleeping children out of their beds; gives them just a few minutes to pack what belongings they can grab; pushes them into stinking caged vans; drives them for hours while refusing them the chance to go to the lavatory so that they wet themselves and locks them up sometimes for weeks or months without the prospect of release and without adequate health services?

My country, apparently.

Mark Easton looks at children locked up at Yarl’s Wood for the crime of “being illegal”. The third comment on the story also makes you proud of Britain:

What has this Country and Government done to deserve the invasion of these foreigners. Perhaps their own parents should think about this before they set off illegally to come here and adding to the financial problems we already have. I suggest they are not allowed off the plane or boat, or whatever method they use, and sent straight back home. I would also suggest that Sir Al Aynsley – Green is sent with them along with the rest of his cronies.

Not that the UK is unique in either respect. We lock up children in the Netherlands as well for being illegal immigrants and I’m sure there are plenty of people willing to defend this too.