The Empire Strikes Back

UKIP reveals they’re on the side of evil (though an evil oddly concerned with road safety) as David Prowse announces his support:

Actor David Prowse MBE, who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars triology, has announced his support for UKIP in the coming June 4 elections.

“I’ve looked right and left and right again and the only party I can safely vote for is UKIP,” said Prowse, pictured right.

“And I have two messages for those considering how to vote. Firstly, stop, look and listen to what is being said. Only UKIP is actually telling us the truth about the European Union and why we need to leave it. Secondly, may June the fourth be with you.”

Loathed and feared by millions as the embodiment of evil, Robert Kilroy-Silk has long left the party, making Vader the second supervillain to voice his support for UKIP. Well, I say voice, but nobody has asked James Earl Jones what he thinks yet.