Compare and Contrast (Updated To Include Pants)

How judge Eady could rule in favour of Max Mosley’s right to keep his spank fantasies out of the newspapers, but had no problems with the outing of Nightjack, an anonymous police officer/blogger. Apparently the latter had no “no reasonable expectation of privacy”. Jamie thinks it’s all a question of class.


Speaking of class, I have none, therefore I have no qualms whatsoever about republishing this picture (via)of boy journalist, blogger-outer, fearless investigator wannabe and fully-trained twunt Patrick Foster, exposing his shortcomings in nothing but ill-fitting M&S underpants.


There you have it; visual evidence that Patrick “pants’ Foster is indeed a twunt, if more were needed. It’s a public service to enable pseudonymous bloggers to recognise outing twats like Foster, so I urge my fellow bloggers to republish this pic.

Why not. Foster doesn’t believe in privacy, does he? He was quite happy to have this picture posted online in the cause of his glorious career. How could he mind?

It’s easy to see Foster’s motivation for outing NightJack. After all, he’s an actual journalist, however junior. Not like some jumped-up pseudonymous blogger. He’s paid his dues, from Oxbridge student rag to internship then straight to this arduous Fleet St traineeship. On the way, no doubt, he’s sucked up to editors, bought many drinks and brownnosed himself silly and he’s shown himself so devoted to investigative journalism he’s even investigated his underpants.

Foster’s done all the right things: he is all the right things – Oxford-educated, white, male, young and reasonably photogenic. Surely this selfless devotion to journalism means he deserves to be the new Greg Palast, or at least the new Giles Coren. Journalistic fame is his destiny. It was meant to be.

Or it might have been, if only it hadn’t been for those pesky bloggers. Damn them for undermining the middle-classes’ grip on the British media’s cosy status quo! The career future’s not so quite so bright for wannabe Paxmans when any oik from a comprehensive or lowly copper can use an iPhone and a Twitterfeed to threaten your traditional dominance of the print media.

Hence Foster’s outing of NightJack: petulant envy that he probably justifies as levelling the playing field for other poor, oppressed Oxford graduates. Twunt.

Now then. Anyone got a .jpg of Justice ‘privacy is for the posh’ Eady, preferably in a thong?



I forgot about plodkarma. A libertarian writes

Some advice Patrick. If I were you I would set up a savings account and not move from my desk. You grabbed a headline and made some wonga. You also fucked off, beyond all belief, just about all of the British Police Force. I hope you paypacket for this story was worth it. If I was a copper, right now, I would hunt you. And make you pay for what you have done. I would watch your bins, watch you parking, I would fine you to within an inch of your bank balance.

Good point.