Your daily read

The fourth (!) British inquiry into the War on Iraq started this week. Most likely it will be yet another whitewash and I agree with Jamie that the real reason the UK went to war is because America wanted it, but it’s still worthwhile to read the Iraqi Inquiry Digest every day. Perhaps this time an inquiry will reveal why the UK chose to give in to the US in the first place. The reasons for the Netherlands to support the war “politically, but not military” are fairly clear: a combination of zealotry, fear and a desire to be the teacher’s pet. It might be that the same reasons swayed Blair as well.

1 Comment

  • theftthroughinflation

    December 5, 2009 at 11:30 am

    The UK was “tricked” into going to war in Iraq. Tony Blair said he would not go to war against Iraq without going through the UN. Bush’s asked Tony if they would join in provided they go to the UN but that Saddam still doesn’t back down. Of course going to the Un didin’t work, it wasin’t intended to, so when the UN failed the UK had no choice but to go along because of their initial promise.