The Wit and Wisdom of Martin Bright

UPDATE: it turns out this is not the real Martin Bright. My apologies.

So David Aaaaronovitch weighted in on that Amnesty International “controversy” and couldn’t resist a pop at George Galloway, calling him a “dangerous idiot”, for um, opposing the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps? Who should pop up in the comments but Martin “still not too” Bright:

George Galloway, a dangerous idiot?
Certainly dangerous, but not an idiot.
Galloway is one of a handful of high profile egregious
politicians who have defended the enemies of Western values & assiduously

promoted groups which are obviously evil.
The best example is the terrorist group Hamas, which shares many Nazi
values, but cannot call on a Wagner

figure to demonstrate its cultural superiority.

Admittedly Hamas has devised new ways of murdering its political rivals, that

the Nazis would admire.
Otherwise they’re just sub Nazis, who would have never made the grade in the 1930s.
Galloway is a sub politician who has not made the grade
outside his little comfort zone. And we all know the type of people who live in
Tower Hamlets.
Reputedly the most corrupt constituency in the UK.

Bright, one of those wallowing in their “I didn’t leave the left, it left me” complex shows why the left abandoned him. As diverse as it is, there’s indeed little room on the left for somebody who talks about “the type of people who live in Tower Hamlets”. Not quite politically correct. Even apart from that little slip his comment is a showcase of Decentist thinking, a fact free paranoid rant in which George Galloway has to be shown up to not just be wrong, but evil, plotting with “the enemies of Western values”, but who also has to be show up to be a nobody, a loser, only winning elections because of those people who are the most corrupt in the UK, just like Hamas, who are the new Nazis, but not quality nazis like you had back in the 1930s. Throw in a handful of weird asides (Hamas “cannot call on a Wagner figure to demonstrate its cultural superiority”? WTF?), make sure your writing is as awful as possible (the repeat of “made the grade” in two consecutive sentences) and you have your average Decentist newspaper column or blogpost, condensed into one short comment.