A Hung Impalement

264 +81 36.8
204 -74 28.1
Liberal Democrat
40 -7 22.6

* Prediction
* 535 of 650 seats declared

There were sit ins and near riots when poll stations closed their doors to queueing electors and Gordon Brown is refusing to resign and looks likely to be squatting in No 10 despite having no mandate.

What a bloody mess.

Some good news:

Peter Kellner says BNP may lose “some or all” of their seats on Barking and Dagenham Council

Greens get first MP

Mark Steel on Twitter:

Resigned now, to living under a return to feudal rule, under a system of barons with an obligation to tend the chickens of a twat from Eton

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.