Andrew Wakefield struck off the medical register

Good news for once: “dr” Andrew Wakefield, the lying liar who in no way fudged his research to find a link between the MMR vaccine and autism because he himself would financially profit from an increased demand for a single measles vaccine he had patented is to be struck of the medical register:

The doctor who first suggested a link between MMR vaccinations and autism is to be struck off the medical register.

The General Medical Council found Dr Andrew Wakefield guilty of serious professional misconduct over the way he carried out his controversial research.

It follows a GMC ruling earlier this year that he had acted unethically.

Dr Wakefield, who is now based in the US, has consistently claimed the allegations are unfair. He now says he will appeal against the verdict.

His 1998 Lancet study caused vaccination rates to plummet, resulting in a rise in measles – but the findings were later discredited.

For quick reminder of Wakefield’s crimes, The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a comic strip by Darryl Cunningham is highly recommended. Not just to get the facts, but also as a good example of how to do a factual comic without becoming boring or preachy. Comes complete with references.