CotD: American Chernobyl edition

Jim Henley on the wider implications of the BP oil spill:

There can’t be three foreigners not in the employ of Rupert Murdoch who, today, can read about the “American model of democratic capitalism” without sniggering. This is a country whose elites can cry real tears about the pensions of Britons while regarding the pensions of American autoworkers as the next thing to a crime. While there is a real principle at stake in the difference, it’s not one you’re supposed to voice: Concern for British pensions is a way to keep powerful and connected people unaccountable for their actions; Auto worker pensions can only cost such people money.

You would’ve thought though that Katrina would’ve done this already.

1 Comment

  • M. Bouffant

    June 26, 2010 at 1:45 am

    We never learn. If we did, we’d forget it in five mins. anyway.