Anonymous cowards smear Tim Ireland’s children. Could Nadine Dorris get them to stop it?

For more than a year now Tim Ireland has been subjected to an ongoing if sporadic internet harassement campaign, after he had gotten into conflict with several online Tory bigwigs. The party of Churchill being the natural home of the coward and bullyboy, it’s no surprise that some of the internet hard men and women tried to smear him, spreading false rumours about him being a stalker or a paedophile and fabricating all other sorts of accusations which could’ve turned very nasty if taken serious by the wrong parties. It’s not too long ago a tabloid-fed mob burned down a paediatrician‘s house after all… It all may seem fun and games until somebody loses an eye and it doesn’t get better when certain Tory MPs are, if not involved perse, at least seemingly condone this behaviour.

Recently things took a turn for the worse: now his children are smeared too:

…Recently, someone involved in this ongoing campaign of harassment began publishing material targeting my wife, my children, and other members of my extended family.

This has included false accusations aimed at my kids, making specific allegations of criminal behaviour that are not only entirely untrue, but extremely damaging (and, it must be said, upsetting).

It’s not yet known who’s behind these allegations, but one person who should be wondering how this reflects on her is Nadine Dorris MP, who has history with Ireland:

A damaging role has also been played by Nadine Dorries MP, whom Tim has attacked and satirised on numerous occasions. As as I blogged in May, Dorries retaliated by seeking to portray a mocking Tweet as some kind of death threat, and when she later closed down her blog she claimed that she had been advised to do so following the stabbing of Stephen Tims MP – the implication being that she was in physical fear of Tim. This was despite the fact that she had closed her blog down a week before Tims had been stabbed.

Far be it from me to allege she’s behind these smears, but as somebody who has at the very least encouraged such irresponsible and cowardly behaviour, she should now do her part to reign this in — before itnernet grandstanding leads to real life tragedy.