That kidney thing

If you’re a longtime reader of this blog and still bothering to keep up with us though it is more or less moribund, you may have wondered where Palau has been this past year. Perhaps you’ve also wandered over to Wis[s]e Words and read my posts there about what’s been going on, but I’ve never really explained here what’s been happening. To keep a long story short, Palau always had had problems with her kidneys, due to a bout with cancer years ago, but had managed to keep them functioning on a high enough level not to need dialysis. Last year this was no longer possible and she had to go to dialysis treatment three times a week. We had already decided that if necessary and possible I would donate a kidney to her (having two of them it is actually possible to do this as a live donor). At the time we thought we had to wait for a kidney swap, me donating it to somebody else and their donor giving their kidney to Palau, but luckily we turned out to be compatible and didn’t need to wait for anybody else. It took roughly a year of tests and exercise on my part to get my weight down to get ready, but in December last year, five days before Christmas, we had the operation. For my side of the process, I can’t do much better than the comic cartoonist Jana Christy did about her donation.

page from the Kidney Thing comic

Unfortunately in our case the aftermath didn’t go so well. Again, I won’t bore you with everything we went through but Palau has been in and out of hospital ever since, suffering from side effects of the anti-rejection drugs, various opportunistic infections and so on. The last time she was home was in June and she’s been in hospital again since early July (heck, we even got married in hospital). It’s getting her down, especially with her birthday coming up this Wednesday. If y’all would like to do something to cheer her up, why not send a card to:

Room 18 Ward 4B
VU Medisch Centrum
De Boelelaan 1117
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

The hospital has been great on the medical side of things, but Palau is missing some of the camaraderie of an English hospital and would be cheered up no end by a nice card from a blog reader. As for myself, I try and keep this blog more uptodate than I have been doing.

1 Comment

  • Adrian Ogden

    October 20, 2010 at 6:22 pm

    Bit late to send a card, so I hope some hugs via a comment will suffice. Here’s wishing you a happy birthday and a return to health.

