CotD: The wingnut personality

John Pike pepperspraying Disney characters

Gin & Tacos neatly sums up the existential contradiction inherent in the wingnut personality:

I can’t say it surprised me that people defended the cop. There are always people who will defend the cop. Believe it or not, I was taken aback by just how stupid their arguments were even though such things should not surprise me anymore. Most of all, though, it’s amazing the extent to which these people who believe that government is pure evil will argue that A) the role of the citizen relative to the police is one of absolute, unquestioning obedience, B) the police are to be taken at their word at all times, and C) whatever type and amount of force the police choose to use is inherently right.

It’s the same sort of person who has no problem with the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan but who thinks having state obligated health insurance is the thin edge of fascism.

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