This Is For My People

Can it really be 31 years ago? For those youth who think they and they alone invented clubbing and getting out of your head, and for those like me who were there (and for those who just pretend they were there) here’s Wigan Casino as it was, from the 1977 documentary, This England:

I’m going to watch this over and over and see who I recognise. Looks like half the lads I went to school with were there.

Damn, I want my misspent youth back so I can misspend it all over again; only this time I’ll make sure to cop off with the bloke with the floppy fringe. Or I did I actually do that? It’s all gone so hazy….

Validation At last

Christopher Hitchens in his very entertaining 3-part piece on his late-life quest for physical and cosmetic redemption:

Abruptly I was suffering intermittently from what a friend once called “CRAFT syndrome.” (The acronym represents the words “Can’t Remember a Fucking Thing.”)

Hurrah, its a ‘syndrome’! I thought I was just old.

I give it 6 months, max, before Pfizer starts marketing a new anti-CRAFT drug. (And maybe another 24 hrs before the cheap CRAFT drug spam hits mailboxes worldwide. If not sooner.)