The Sickness Unto Death

As the crowds march against the war in Washington Majikthise finds this story of a soldier who died of despair at what he was asked to do by his superiors in Iraq:

Military ethicist lashed out at Gen. Petraeus in suicide note

New evidence has come to light about the suicide of Col. Ted Westhusing a military ethicist who committed suicide in Iraq in 2005, asserting that he would rather die than dishonor himself any further in a profit-driven war:

Now, a new article reveals — based on documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act — that Westhusing’s apparent suicide note included claims that his two commanders tolerated a mission based on “corruption, human right abuses and liars.” One of those commanders: the new leader of the “surge” campaign in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus. [E&P]

Robert Bryce of the Texas Observer obtained Westhusing’s suicide note which reads:

Thanks for telling me it was a good day until I briefed you. [Redacted name]—You are only interested in your career and provide no support to your staff—no msn [mission] support and you don’t care. I cannot support a msn that leads to corruption, human right abuses and liars. I am sullied—no more. I didn’t volunteer to support corrupt, money grubbing contractors, nor work for commanders only interested in themselves. I came to serve honorably and feel dishonored. I trust no Iraqi. I cannot live this way. All my love to my family, my wife and my precious children. I love you and trust you only. Death before being dishonored any more. Trust is essential—I don’t know who trust anymore. [sic] Why serve when you cannot accomplish the mission, when you no longer believe in the cause, when your every effort and breath to succeed meets with lies, lack of support, and selfishness? No more. Reevaluate yourselves, cdrs [commanders]. You are not what you think you are and I know it

COL Ted Westhusing

Life needs trust. Trust is no more for me here in Iraq..

Bryce confirms earlier reports Westhusing was particularly distraught by the corruption of the private military contractors.
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There’s not really a lot to add to that is there?

Deputy leader of the Commons quits over Trident

Says the Beeb

In a statement after handing his letter in to Number 10 Downing Street, Mr Griffiths, MP for Edinburgh South, said: “I’m resigning with a heavy heart but a clear conscience.

“I intend to make a personal statement in the House of Commons to colleagues and it is only right that they hear the reasons first.”

Dave’s Spart doesn’t believe a word of it: “Would it be too, too cynical to suggest that Griffiths is mindful that his majority over the Lib-Dems in his Edinburgh South is less than 1,000, and that a spot of populism on this issue certainly won’t do his chances of holding onto the seat any harm?“.

A minister taking a principled stand out of crass political calculation? Never!

Stating The Utterly Bleeding Obvious Or Necessary Truths ?

I’m Spartacus, you’re Spartacus, we’re all bloody Spartacus, blah blah blah. Nonagenarian former actor Kirk Douglas, of all people, is attempting to rally world youth to sort out the mess his generation created:

Kirk Douglas calls on youth to stand up and be counted

Dan Glaister in Los Angeles
Monday December 11, 2006
The Guardian

The cleft chin may be familiar to some. But others may have difficulty placing the ageing Hollywood star.

“You may know me,” he writes in an open letter published last Saturday. “If you don’t … Google me. I was a movie star and I’m Michael Douglas’s dad, Catherine Zeta-Jones’s father-in-law, and the grandparents of their two children. Today I celebrate my 90th birthday.”

But Kirk Douglas has loftier things on his mind than summoning up the wind to blow out 90 candles. The man who led the slaves to revolt as Spartacus, the man who embodied the suffering of Van Gogh’s art in Lust For Life is turning his attention to the fate of the planet.

“Let’s face it,” he writes to “America’s young people”, “THE WORLD IS IN A MESS and you are inheriting it.

“Generation Y, you are on the cusp. You are the group facing many problems: abject poverty, global warming, genocide, Aids, and suicide bombers to name a few. These problems exist, and the world is silent. We have done very little to solve these problems. Now, we leave it to you. You have to fix it because the situation is intolerable.”


Cheers for pointing that out Grandad, we’d never have noticed if you hadn’t said.

I had similar feelings at first on reading recent Digby and Hilzoy posts. Shorter Digby: “America has a class system that’s wrecking the country.” Wow, I thought, who knew? So that’s what all those ads and movies and tv shows are about. Shorter Hilzoy: “The methods used to produce chocolate, gold, diamonds and many other commodities produce human misery and ecological disaster.” Do they really? Well, fancy. Oh, OK, that’s why all those Africans are running away from that misery as fast as they can and making new lives in Europe…

Now I was quite peeved. None of these issues are new or unknown or hidden – anyone outside the US with half a brain and a smidgen of conscience who’s followed current events knows these things, even if not in detail. They’ve been out in the open for a long time in the rest of the world, but Americans are acting as though it’s something newly-dicovered! What do you think all the European and S. American leftists have been telling you all this time? Argh, why are you all so stupid?

I was getting a good head of outraged steam up at this point.

But then I thought, am I just being horribly snotty here? It’s that ‘outside the US’ that makes all the difference in perception. To so many US readers who are just switching on to the liberating idea of online dissenting and blogs the idea that by eating a candy bar they are supporting slavery, for example, must be deeply shocking new information which must challenge their view of themselves and their nation’s way of living in some pretty basic ways.

Similarly the truth about their government’s complicity in the torture and murder of thousands in Chile is shocking the US public following Augusto Pinochet‘s death. The information about how the coup was engineered by Kissinger and other neocons and how Pinochet’s murderous regime was supported by the US is something which has, again, been common knowledge for a long time elsewhere, even in the most remote of places. For example the woman doctor who ran the hospice in Devon where my mother died was raped and tortured by Pinochet’s thugs while working in Chile in the seventies. As a result the US’ role in Chile had massive coverage locally.

But at a national and international level coverage of even the most egregious excesses of the Pinochet regime was constantly downplayed, excused and finessed by the US and UK government/media complex particularly so in the US. American Journalists who didn’t sing the right tune were even disappeared themselves, so it’s not surprising that this is all coming as a bit of a shock to many in Leftpondia.

There are many more such shocks to come too, as the citizenry realises the facts are out there, if you only care to look – take Guatemala, Afghanistan, The Marianas, Diego Garcia or East Timor to name just a few- it’s all there for the knowing. There is a whole other mass of people apart from the liberal left blogerati who can only now, because of the wonders of the internet, find out what has been kept from them for so long. Viewed from this standpoint Digby’s and Hilzoy’s posts are objective, trustworthy and essential guides for people to know where to find what’s been hidden in plain sight, rather than just restatements of received wisdom.

So from my initial irritation and snark I’ve changed my position. Rather than being such a horribly European elitist leftist snot I really should be jubilant to find that after all the chipping away at the tunnel face that others have been chipping away on the other side and we’re about to meet in the middle.

In that light even Kirk Douglas’ slightly bizarre call to arms is actually quite laudable – rarely does someone of his generation actually say ‘Sorry, we were wrong’ and make an attempt, however lame, to put it right.

As my son constantly tells me, it’s all good.

Read more: US media, US politics, Blogs, Kirk Douglas, Augusto Pinochet, Chile, Guatemala, Afghanistan, The Marianas, Diego Garcia, East Timor

Time to get serious

You may have noticed I have not blogged much this week; with the war now officially started I really have not felt like it. Now more then ever it feels like shouting into a vacuum. I just feel so helpless, you know? Bush finally has his war, innocent people are dying already and many more iwll die before this war is over and I get the feeling none of the socalled adults is taking this fucking serious. William Hague smirking his way through the war debate in the Commons on Tuesday, making oh so clever jokes about Claire Short. Bush and his cronies mouthing platitudes about peace and democracy, Blair and his cronies blaming France for this war because they opposed this war. The fucking reporters on the fucking BBC sounding so fucking pleased with the bombardments going on right now in Baghdad, getting their hardons from all this kewl military stuff. Finally, here’s the New and Improved Gulf War for all those boys and girls who missed the first one: now they too can do the Hero Reporter from Beleaguered Baghdad or Tel Aviv or Kuwait or where fucking ever. Then, escaping to the wonderful world of blogging, I get the same sanctimonious pricks who all along told me I Was Doing it All Wrong whinging that mass protests or direct action is sooo passe and shouldn’t I just vote Democratic and get involved into nice, respectable ways of doing politics. You know the same sort of politics that DIDN’T WORK BEFORE EITHER?? Fuck ’em.

There’s a war going on. It’s time to get serious.

New York redux

An Unenviable Situation focuses on police behaviour during the rally:

Whoever came up with the plan for crowd control today, it was brilliant, but disgusting. The cops created bottlenecks where there were none strictly for the purpose of keeping us frustrated, though we were not allowed to stand still. They could have opened and closed the cross streets to let traffic through and give free access to each block, but the city’s crowd control designers chose not to. They were afraid apparently that we would end up in mini-rallies on every corner, which happened anyway since they couldn’t move everyone. The cops themselves were assholes. I would have expected better, considering the makeup of the crowd. The first few times I dealt with them I was friendly, but after a while I stopped giving them the benefit of the doubt. The best that could be said was that the vast majority, regardless of race or gender, and most of them of course were white men, just didn’t give a shit.