Take That, Wingnuttia! And You Too, Sensible Liberals!

Is there a blog you hate so much you’d like to nuke it from orbit or have a cow shit all over it? Then you’re in luck.

Every couple of months, when I’ve had my fill of pissing cats, noisy neighbours and depressing Dutch grocery stores, and the urge for a a little injection of cultcha is pressing, I head to Crooked Timber. This occasional visit is just enough to feed my neurotic craving to feel I’m in with the big and clever bloggers just because I actually get the occasional academic in-joke and having done that, I then don’t feel the need to go there for months, having fully assuaged my need to feel self-congratulatorily and smugly intellectual for a while.

But today instead of propping up my intellectual vanity, CT (see how hip I am?) is encouraging my childish desire to throw mud at other bloggers, with this very nifty online toy:

Net Disaster allows you to indulge your worst fantasies of blog conflagration, to dispense vomit from a great height on a website you hate – or more simply, to annihilate with the Hand of God, an appropriate fate for most online fundiewindbaggery.

Simply enter your URL of choice, pick your method of disposal, point, click and KERSPLAT! Or KAPOW!, depending on the mode of destruction chosen. No-one gets hurt, except on your screen and in your head, and best of all no damage is caused and no one can sue (though I wouldn’t put it past certain wingnuts to ponder lawsuits for intentional distress and emotional suffering).

Next time you feel the need to piss on Powerline, flood Fox News or set wasps on the WaPo and the White House feel free – but don’t be surprised if you if you get caught in return fire or even a friendly fire incident.

Oops! FDL got acid-peed on. How very clumsy of me. Hmm, who’s next, I wonder…


Not art-lovers then:



Banksy work painted over in error

A graffiti removal team painted over the mural
A large wall mural by “guerrilla artist” Banksy has been mistakenly painted over by a council’s graffiti-removal contractors.

The valuable 25ft-long artwork, on the side of garages in Bristol, was covered with a coat of thick black paint.

Bristol City Council said it wanted an investigation into the blunder. The council has ordered all Banksy works in the city to be preserved.

Someone has since sprayed the words “Wot no Banksy?” on top of the ex-work.

‘Wrong graffiti’

The mural, one of Banksy’s early works, had featured a collection of blue shapes with the artist’s trademark tag.


In February a picture of pensioners bowling with bombs by Banksy sold in London for £102,000, breaking a record for his work.


Imagine the fun a geek with something to say could have with one of these from your friendly neighborhood artactivist collective Graffiti Research Labs, seen here recently lighting up Art Rotterdam:

Lasertagged Rotterdam

Graffiti Research Labs Mark Up Buildings With L.A.S.E.R.TAG

The tech-savvy artists over at Graffiti Research Lab hacked together a large-scale tagging projector using a standard notebook computer, 5000 ANSI DLP projector, a 60mw green laser (apparently super illegal in a lot of places and very dangerous), an astronomer’s camera, and some other random crap.

The L.A.S.E.R.TAG tracks the motion of the green laser through the camera and then projects the ‘ink’ onto any large flat surface—like in this case, the side of a large building.

The lab has instructions on how to get started with creating your own tagging projector, and they’ve thankfully released the source code to help you on your way. But remember, even if you get one successfully built, you still need some art skills to properly do graffiti. – Alexander Yoon

Via Gizmodo Project details, pictures, video and source code here.

Is He A Midnight Toker, Too?

Dutch Joker’s ID card prank

A Dutchman has been issued with an ID card featuring a picture of himself dressed as Batman’s enemy The Joker.

The man, from Hellevoetsluis, persuaded officials that he had to wear the costume because of his religious beliefs.

He wanted to challenge new rules introduced last year in Holland, restricting the way people are allowed to pose for passport and ID card photos.

The Dutch Ministery of Interior Affairs insists people must keep their mouths closed and must look serious when posing for photos.

A head dress, for religious reasons is permitted, but the whole face must be shown clearly.

There’s a lot to be learnt from the Dutch.