Linky, Linky


Why carbon offsetting is just as another money making scheme exploiting liberal guilt.

How does Bush define victory? It’s the oil, stupid:

Under the new American-drafted law, the Iraqi government will offer contractual concessions up to 30 years’ long to foreign companies, using a system known as a PSA (Production Sharing Agreement). In other words, American and other Western oil companies are being allowed to exploit Iraq’s current predicament and negotiate self-serving, one-sided oil PSA’s that will legally commit the entire country of Iraq for the next 30 years.


3 cat videos

Hot cat on turtle action!

The cat that likes to floss

Just Say No! Cats and the demon weed


Professional chav Jade Goody’s racism gives a fading reality show a popularity injection and the nation something to talk about. (Pssst, don’t mention the war!)

These white women, behaving like bitchy schoolgirls in the playground, have reduced Ms Shetty to tears on several occasions, accusing her of wanting to be white, having facial stubble, being “a dog”, making their skin crawl, touching their food (“you don’t know where those hands have been”), and have signally failed to get her name right, calling her “the Indian” at one point.

They might not have been quite as motivated by group tyranny as Orwell described – that “hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture . . . that seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current” – but there seems no doubt that their pack behaviour was offensive to Ms Shetty and damaging to our desire to be seen as a tolerant nation. Remember the message: without intellect we are lost. Clips of those lumpen women are being broadcast round the world as typically British, voicing British sentiments; by default we are all cast in the same mould of molten ignorance; all reduced to the racist drone of a thousand pub conversations.


Madison Guy has links to some of the best street fashion photoblogs on the web, courtesy Avedon’s comments section.

James Wolcott asks why are are British sex scandals so much more interesting than American ones? Short answer, for our politicians the illicitness is 75% of the fun and the danger of being caught adds more spice. American politicians do it from a feeling of entitlement rather than in the spirit of titillating adventure, so it’s more about the greedy consumption of a ‘luxury’ sexual product like high-class call-girls (or rough trade or kids as the case may be) than the eroticism and thrill of the chase. Though the erotic aspect falls down somewhat in light of the four-year liaison between former PM John Major and ex-health Minister Edwina Currie – “By the way, Edwina, that was a not inconsiderably satisfying orgasm”. Ewww.

Resolution? What New Year’s resolution? For your sweet tooth, here’s Fanny, a French patisserie chef who blogs in English at Foodbeam.

Read the recipes and patisserie reviews, drool over the pictures, and get baking. I made her Petits carrés au caramel et au chocolat, known to us commoners asmillionaires shortbread, last weekend using white chocolate ( because that’s what we had) and it was very, very rich and absolutely delicious.

Read more UK, Politics, Oil,IraqCats, Cake,Big Brother, Fashion,. Sex scandals.

Magical Negroes and Visiting Blondes

For movie lovers heartily sick of the sight and sound of bloody Renee bloody Zellweger and her breathy brand of self-centered cultural bloody imperialism, this is my comment thread of the week.

When I read this Joe Queenan article on the movie Blood Diamond I had a feeling Steve Gilliard would have something to say about it and he certainly did.

The comments thread to his post turned into one of the most interesting cultural discussions I’ve read in a while ; not only well-informed and written but wide-ranging, civil and virtually troll-free. Here’s a snip:

“Subtly brainwashing?” Nothing subtle about it. But it is also true that as someone pointed out above there is a strong tendency in *all* american films and sit coms as well to americanize, masculinlize, white-ize and “familiarize” characters and settings as though the universal viewer they are aiming for is a single, fat, white, suburban guy who has never gotten out of his barcalounger to even peek out the window. They moved the g-dMN “Little Princess” to New York, for g-d’s sake, because, what, London wasn’t both exotic and homey enough?

But no one has brought up the “tragic mulatto” motif which bleeds nicely into the MLK motif in which the main non white character *never reaches the promised land* so the remaining “real” white characters can grieve and move on. That might be bagger vance, which I couldn’t stop gagging enough to even try to buy a ticket for. Isn’t “the green mile?” another one of these. In addition to black-guy-as-buddha we’ve always had a rash of “cute black kids in white families” and, of course, “cute midgets playing black kids in white families” and, of course, saintly retarded people revealing meaning of life to harried white guys in hospitals who are forced to rethink their priorities when they meet saintly retarded or black people.

So I think the ideal message movie would be white guy/woman comes to teach at a school entirely composed of midget, retarded, black kids and whips them into a basketball team of surprising strength that comes together and beats the nazis before expiring and leaving behind no trace of their victory but the white characters looking longingly at the trophy.


Mem to Hollywood: in addition, please, no more mining our British childhood heritage for star-vehicle biopics or safe Christmas blockbusters. CS Lewis, Virginia Woolf… what’s next, Johnny Depp does Postman Pat? George Clooney as Roald Dahl?

Oohh, I know, Paris Hilton as Princess Diana….

Read more: Films, Movies, Hollywood, Race, Culture

A Year Of Bookiness

My co-blogger and hetero life-mate Martin is being very virtuous this new year and has vowed to update his booklog – which has grown into quite a substantial body of book reviews – more regularly in this coming year. He will too, he’s annoyingly efficient like that.

(I just went and checked, he’s done it already. Blimey. Never underestimate a Dutchman with the metaphorical bit between his teeth.)

I, on the other hand, am a lazy sod and so my online literary activities this year will be mostly confined to the occasional pointing of juicy goodies on the free online library of 20,000 electronic books that is Project Gutenburg. Its mission statement:

  • To encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks.
  • This mission is, as much as possible, to encourage all those who are interested in making eBooks and helping to give them away.
  • In fact, Project Gutenberg approves about 99% of all requests from those who would like to make our eBooks and give them away, within their various local copyright limitiations.
  • Project Gutenberg is powered by ideas, ideals, and by idealism.
  • Project Gutenberg is not powered by financial or political power.
  • Therefore Project Gutenberg is powered totally by volunteers.

Gutenburg deserves a much higher profile than it currently has: although 20 million or so books are downloaded every week it’s still not yet up there in the public consciousness with Wikipedia, Google, YouTube or MySpace.

I’ve been having some eyesight problems lately (hence the constant irritating tyops) and reading can be very diffuclt in dim and articial light at the moment, so Gutenburg is set to be my new best friend, at least until the spring comes and I can sit outside and read again.

Here’s the Top Ten on their download list at the moment:

  • Kamasutra by Vatsyayana (247)
  • The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing by Joseph Triemens (211)
  • The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci ? Complete by Leonardo da Vinci (192)
  • Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases by Grenville Kleiser (176)
  • Manual of Surgery by Alexander Miles and Alexis Thomson (161)
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (150)
  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (146)
  • Snow-Bound by John Greenleaf Whittier (142)
  • Ulysses by James Joyce (131)
  • Earth’s Enigmas by Charles G. D. Roberts (130)

Judged by that the average Gutenburg reader’s had a weird Christmas: snowed in, out in the wilderness, horribly injured trying out weird erotic positions; now living off the land , trying to recreate a medieval helicopter to escape in and relying on the various charms of Lizzie Bennett and Leopold Bloom to pass the time until then or until rescue arrives. At least it’s not cost them a penny.

I’m particularly fond of between-the-wars magazines, so my Gutenburg Goodie today’s a copy of Punch from February 25th, 1920.

Read more: Books, Blogging, Internet, Open source, Project Gutenurg

Es Muy Romantico

Be still mi beating corazon! The Unforgivable Unforgettable Unapologetic Mexican, Nezua Lim?n Xolagrafik-Jonez, has charmed his wicked way into the General’s sanctum sanctorum and what’s more, he’s telling the hot and steamy story of how he breached those stout Christian defences with his silky skills.

I’m picturing Antonio Banderas seducing Tommy Lee Jones… Oooh dear, I’ve come over all shivery and Salma Hayek.

Anyway. Get a grip, woman. The story so far:

AY DIOS MIO, I’M IN! Inside the walls of El General’s fortress. It took some work, but with great grace and determination, I have prevailed. And never before has such a world-weary and unapologetic wanderer as your narrator seen as well-guarded a bunker as this. The good Christian General’s fortifications are, for sure, a gleaming and splendiferous example of the manliest of American architecture! It is little to wonder that he speaks with such booming and heteropowered tones that he does. ?Claro! I tip my sombrero in his direction, and of all well-decorated hombres, he knows as well as anyone that I mean that in the manliest of ways.


IT ALL BEGAN ON A HOT AND FATEFUL DAY. I was out rounding up recruits for the glorious Reconquista plot wherein all Mexicans on the continent will communicate using subtle rustlings of Holy dried jalape?o peppers that have been clasped to the chest of liberal American virgins. Unfortunately, Michelle Malkin, Lou Dobbs, and Pat Buchanan seem to have stumbled onto our plan to organize as a massive group of starving, hunted, underpaid people, and are trying to warn the rest of the country. This will make the Great Pepper Plano de la Patria that much harder to bring to fruition, and our alliance with Mexiran may suffer. I must preempt these soggy pundits and thus, the great Aztl?n (heretofore secret and well-guarded) plot will be revealed?in it’s entirety and for the first time?in issue Three of the celebrated mag de la gente, which I expect all good soldader@s to purchase in solidarity! Using American media, we can communicate at fifteen times the speed of dried jalape?o, and thus stymie the efforts of these antagonists.

So there I was, scouting for hombres to join up and I spotted El General at the bar. He was standing with a few muscled and well-armed compa?eros, and I can only assume they were part of his vaunted militia, a force not unknown to me and my amigos. We glared at each other, as all utterly-heterosexual soldiers do in such a situation. We understood immediately that there was something fated. Was it combat? Was it a death? Was it glory?

Tempted your taste for titillating tales now? You’ll just have to go and read the whole thing

Read more: Minuteman/Zapatista slashfic

Once Is An Accident, Twice Is Coincidence, Three Times Is Enemy Action

Once Is An Accident, Twice Is Coincidence, Three Times Is Enemy Action

Oops. Looks like T Rex of Firedoglake has put his massively clawed prehistoric foot in it again following an ill-advised post from fellow contributor Pachacutec.

Normally I wouldn’t bother with FDL or contributor TRex, not after the last time. I haven’t read FDL since the his gratuitous insult of blogger Lisa at Culture Kitchen. I’m a big fan of energetic vituperation but that was just unpleasant.

I’d already been cooling towards the blog although they did fantastic work on Plamegate, but for some time it’s been becoming a magnet for drooling fanboys and girls. The comments are becoming a stew of self-referential high-school types who tend to pile on at any sign of criticism of their idols. Who needs it?

Feh. Don’t like it, don’t go there and I don’t. Simple.

But Tom Watson has been reading FDL and he’s not happy with the tenor of some of FDL’s more recent prose, particularly this from Pachacutec, seeing it as part of the wider issue of misogynystic language and attitudes on the left:

Anti-Feminism on the Left III

Do Jane Hamsher and Christy Hardin Smith have conservative operatives in their midst? Has FireDogLake – arguably a top five liberal group blog – been infiltrated by dirty tricks squads of the right? More directly, does FDL blogger Pachacutec work for Karl Rove?

I ask because of the reckless, misogynist post that appeared this morning in my regular blogroll (I’m a big FDL fan, most of the time) about Democratic Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher of California. Tauscher is a so-called Blue Dog Democrat, a centrist type who has often voted with the Republicans on military issues. She may well be due a primary from the left in her district in San Francisco’s progressive suburbs. But she is certainly not due a vicious attack on her gender, dressed up as “snark” by a leading liberal blog. Here’s the slime, headlined ” FDL Late Nite: Whore, n., 1. A prostitute. . .”

You know, sometimes I’m an old fashioned sort. I can appreciate tradition. I certainly believe in hard work, and positively adore the craft of genuine professionalism.

In that spirit, I bring you an underappreciated practitioner of the world’s oldest profession, a woman in congress Congress, Ellen Tauscher. She can slurp the gnarly nub of power with the very best, gamely grinning to the gushing finish: a working girl’s working girl. Howie calls her, “a bribe-taking corporate whore and shit eater who has guaranteed herself a nasty primary in 2008.”

I hope Peter Daou is reading this, because his boss may well have to face this kind of sexist attack beginning next year. It’s so bad, so poorly executed, that it really does appear to be a clumsy Republican efforts to pollute a top Democratic blog. These posts are permanent, folks. They give aid and comfort to the other side. They make our side look surly, sexist, hypocritical.

To put is [sic] another way: are you stupid? Or just insane?


But in a world where a hero like Mukhtar Mai of Pakistan overcomes court-ordered gang rape and a corrupt regime to help educate the children of her attackers, we kid ourselves that we’re advanced enough, cool enough, hip enough, or evolved enough to throw around this low-brow gender-based garbage and think it won’t stick – to us, to the left, to the Democrats, to our candidates, to our movement.

Tom’s post is one of a series of three (one and two) examining the innate sexism that is apparent on so many left-wing blogs, not all of them run by men, attitudes which are even more apparent amongst supposedly sophisticated, allegedly liberal media types, many of them women.

Obligatory mea culpa: I’m as guilty as the next person of intemperate language but I will never apologise for that unless its shown to be factually unjustified. I wouldn’t expect any other self-respecting blogger to do otherwise. As a political woman who self-identifies as feminist I try to be sensitive (and, as I’ve been told by a number of mysogynistic pricks, even hypersensitive) to the underlying implications and subtexts of language, particularly in the way language reinforces the continuing negative position of women in the world.

But and this is a big but, there are times when only certain insults will do – I certainly understand that. Even so, there is a line between entertaining invective and the outright sexist garbage Pachacutec produced. What are possibly entirely justified criticisms of Tauscher on the issues got lost in the spew of language. He might’ve got away with it too, if he’d actually been funny. There’re are lot of sexists on the left who get away with it only because of that.

That said, I’ve noticed there is a terribly self-congratulatory and particularly male strain on the broad left that assumes that if they publicly profess to be a Progressive (‘liberal’ is so passe now) the act of having done so washes all their antifeminist sins away now and forever after. Just like the Born-Agains they affect to despise, by virtue of this public self-anointment as ‘progressive’ they feel forever exempt from any further self-examination. Hey presto, you’re a Progressive! All you have to do is say so, loudly and often.

No need, now, to question your own attitudes, no need for any more of that boring stuff. It’s hard work. Just say you’re progressive and anything you do or say is fine.

But progressive is as progressive does and reacting like this when challenged, politely, on some assumptions about one’s own sexist attitudes is not what I’d call progressive, not at all. Scabrous wit is one thing, you can get away with a lot if you say it cleverly enough. But crude sexist insult is another thing and speaks more of the writer’s own insecurities:

UPDATE II: The grown-ups at FDL have been busy. The C-word has been edited out of the post.”

That was my decision, Tom. I decided I would rather refer to Miss Ingraham as a Bitch Troll from Hell.

You, on the other hand, are a miserable little cunt.

Posted by: TRex Nov 27, 2006 7:25:23 PM

Someone doesn’t like being challenged.

You can say anything you like, but if you don’t do it it means nothing. All these smug, supposedly progressive men resting on their laurels while displaying antifeminist attitudes worthy of any freeping wingnut; it’s the same essential hollowness that’s at the heart of American evangelical Christianity. It’s all shows of piety, public professions of faith and no works.

US and UK politics both show this tendency written large. Everyone wants a party to represent their particular views, but too many want it like any tv-advertised commodity, instantly and with no visible sign of the boring machinery that got it there. They don’t actually want to have to do anything. They vote for the left (well, some do), don’t they? Isn’t that enough?

Nope, it’s not. Political activism, like patriarchy, starts at home and it means we have to consider everything we do or say, at home at work, wherever, in the light of our principles. What’s the point otherwise? You can talk a good fight all you want but if you don’t do it, or at least try to – even in your domestic life, on your blog, with your kids – it means nothing. That old saying, think globally, act locally has become such a cliche but it’s never been more pertinent.

[BTW, I recommend the comments thread on Tom’s post for the full flavour of FDL fandom in full flow]

Read more: US Politics, Blogs, Blogging, Feminism, Progressives, Language