Regulate The Smartshops By All Means, But Parents, Educate Your Bloody Young.

The media, in the US especially, is making much of the Dutch government’s moves to further regulate Smartshops and the sale of magic mushrooms, which are legal in NL if sold fresh but illegal if sold dried.

It doesn’t look good for the Smartshops:

AMSTERDAM – A 19-year-old tourist from Iceland jumped from a hotel window in Amsterdam last weekend after ingesting fresh hallucinogenic mushrooms. The boy suffered broken bones in both his legs and feet.

The Volkskrant reports this on Friday. This is the third serious incident involving hallucinogenic mushrooms in Amsterdam in a few months’ time.

In March a 17-year-old French girl jumped to her death from a bridge near the IJ tunnel after taking hallucinogenic mushrooms.

In June a 22-year-old British tourist lost control after taking the substance. He trashed his hotel room on the Martelaarsgracht in Amsterdam and threw items onto the street, injuring one passer by.


Worse still, two smartshops in Amsterdam, Innerspace and Magic Mushroom Gallery, were found recently to have also been selling banned drugs like GHB and were shut down.

The Smartshops themselves, fearing a total ban on mushroom sales, propose strict regulation along the lines of that applied to coffeeshops:

VLOS, the National Association of Smartshops, now calls for regulation so that mushrooms will remain legally and safely available. The forthcoming points are proposed to the parliament.

1) No sale to minors.
2) Further professionalisation of the smartshops by means of a course for smartshop owners and staffs.
3) A general mushroom information flyer, in as many languages as possible.
4) Concentration of the sale of mushrooms in specialized professional shops that handle according to the rules, recognizable by a trademark.

All of which would be fine, if it weren’t for the bloody stupid tourists, none of whom seem to have the sense they were born with. They come to Amsterdam for a lost weekend of drink, drugs, dancing and hedonism and don’t seem to give a stuff about what they take with what and what the physical and mental consequences might be.

It’s as though they think because they’re somewhere foreign the normal rules about safety don’t apply. They’re on holiday! Nothing bad can happen! They are either totally irresponsible or woefully uninformed and ignorant. Who in their right mind takes hallucinogenics in the street anyway?

I don’t think mushrooms should be banned, although personally I don’t and wouldn’t take them. I’ve eaten them twice (long ago, I hasten to add), once inadvertently and once deliberately and I wouldn’t want to repeat the experience or the later flashbacks either.

Mushrooms strike me as something that should be taken only in very safe space in very specific circumstances, ie not at a Halloween costume party or busy streets full of bridges, cyclists and canals. Pirates+cutlasses+hallucinogenics=BAD, let me tell you.

Take it on holiday in the street? Next to an unfenced canal? On top of who knows what other intoxicants? That’s asking for trouble and trouble is what irresponsible 17 year olds do on the loose in a foreign city. Where were their parents anyway, and what did they teach her about drugs, if anything at all?

Personally I see it as Darwinism in action. Wise up about drugs and alcohol or die.

My condolences to the family, and 17 or 19 is no bloody age to die, but the teenagers in question could have just as easily fallen in a canal drunk as high. These are the sorts of things that happen when you let your irresponsible young travel unaccompanied: they do stupid things, some of them fatal. It could have happened to a hooray on a campsite in Cornwall, or a chav at a rave in Ibiza; youthful recklessness and stupidity knows no class or national boundaries.

But neither does the wilful blindness of doting parents when it comes to their children’s use of mind-altering substances. “No, not my little precious!”

What, they’d rather have them ignorant? And dead?

Athough there’s a chorus from the war on drugs folks for a prohibition, a complete ban on mushrooms is unfeasible: the genie is out of the bottle now and smartshops, drug tourism and the associated hotel and catering profits are big business. To ban the open sale of mushrooms will only push the trade underground and increase criminality The demand will still be there, someone will supply it, ban or no ban.

Strict regulation, licensing of sales and strong enforcement and public education will have to be the way forward, though any regulation will have to be a damned sight stricter than what the smartshops themselves propose if it’s to protect tourists agaisnt their own natural inclination towards being stupid bloody idiots.

Shorter Dutch Liberals: Starve ’em Out Of The Burqa!

More liberal, tolerant Dutch news – don’t you just love the VVD?

“Cut benefits to burqa wearers”
27 June 2007

THE HAGUE – A majority in Parliament wants the government to allow municipalities to cut benefits if the recipients are unable to find a job because they wear a burqa.

A motion to this effect from Liberal VVD MP Atzo Nicolaï and Labour PvdA MP Hans Spekman was passed on Tuesday.

Coalition party PvdA and opposition party VVD are concerned about a verdict from the court in Amsterdam earlier this month. The court found in preliminary proceedings that the municipality Diemen had unlawfully docked the benefits of a Muslim woman who wears a burqa because she had been unable to find a job after four job applications.

If this verdict becomes a precedent, Spekman and Nicolaï want to know what state secretary for social affairs Ahmed Aboutaleb plans to do to ensure that municipalities will be able dock benefits in cases like this.

The state secretary first wants to wait for the final outcome of the court case before drawing conclusions. But he will “of course” inform Parliament of any steps he plans to take.

Aboutaleb has said in earlier debates with Parliament that the case in Diemen should be put in perspective. He says it is just “one case,” while there have also been court verdicts that have found in favour of municipalities in cases where the behaviour of the job seeker prevented him or her from finding a job. One of these cases also concerned the wearing of a burqa.

[My emphasis]

I expect a Moslem woman could wear a bloody bikini and they still wouldn’t give her the job. Discrinmination is inherent in Dutch society, as we see from these following two reports:

AMSTERDAM, 03/07/07 – Primary schools in Amsterdam will no longer accept enrolments of children under two years of age. The measure is intended to prevent ethnic segregation in education.

White parents often enrol their child for a school without immigrant pupils straight after birth. In doing so, they ensure that the child does not end up on a waiting list. Immigrants, who are often unaware of the waiting lists, usually enrol their child once it has reached school-going age and can then only find a place at ‘black’ schools.

The current situation contributes to schools increasingly becoming one-sidedly black or white, considers the Amsterdam local council. Most of Amsterdam’s primary schools have now signed a covenant with the municipality in which they pledge to reject enrolments of children under two years of age.

Universities draw few minorities
28 June 2007

AMSTERDAM – Universities are still not managing to attract more students of ethnic background. This has emerged from a study commissioned by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands


Discrimination against non-whites and non-Christians is built in to the fabric, the normen and waarden of Dutch society, but the Dutch themselves can’t bear to be accused of prejudice or direct discrimination – it might hurt their smug self-images.

Rather than ban the burqa outright, which is what much of the white majority want, the VVD and their supporters prefer to use nasty, underhand tactics like docking the already meagre unemployment benefit, directly affecting women and children.

The men who are imposing (in some cases) the burqa on women? Not so much.

I’ve been living in Amsterdam for several years – I’m here by necessity rather than choice, so perhaps this affects my objectivity, but I feel can say with some confidence that, from my own observations, despite its much-vaunted liberal and feminist image, that the Netherlands is deeply mysogynistic, racist and paternal.

The concepts of normen en waarden’ or cultural norms and values by which all must abide, are embeddded in all public discourse. To overstep the bounds, especially as a woman, is to attract negative attention and open criticism. To be a woman here, and a foreign woman at that, is to be invisible in political terms and subject to whatever the white male majority decide.

Most schools are religious, many political parties are religiously based, as are tv stations and broadcasting companies, and all are overwhelmingly, horribly white. Without the embedded white patriarchy the country would collapse.

So it’s women bearing the brunt, both of Dutch Islamophobia and of the religious and cultural misogyny within their own cultural and ethnic communities.

Lidewijde Ongering, Deputy National Coordinator for Counterterrorism has been in Congress this past month briefing Joe Leiberman and his committee about the ‘unique’ way the Netherlands deals with radicalisation and potential terrorism.

Yup, that’s the way to do it alright, starve those pesky Moslem women out. That’ll really work.

Dutch Transplant News

Should’ve known it would be the BNN channel though…

As someone who’s going to need a new kidney in the nearish future you can imagine how this story makes me feel.

Terminally ill woman to give away her organs on Dutch TV
dpa German Press Agency
Published: Saturday May 26, 2007

Amsterdam– Dutch TV on Friday is due to air a show in which a terminally ill woman choses one out of three kidney patients to receive her organs after she dies, reports said Saturday. The Dutch public can advice 37-year-old Lisa in making her decision by sending her text messages via mobile phone.

Earlier on Saturday, legislator Joop Atsma of the Christian Democrats (CDA) called the Big Donor Show, as the TV programme is called, “morally wrong and reprehensible.”

Atsma said he would question the Minister of Health Ab Klink (CDA) and Media Minister Ronald Plasterk of the Labour party (PvdA) about the issue in parliament next week.

The TV show is a production of Endemol Entertainment and due to be
aired by broadcasting company BNN.

BNN, which primarily targets teenagers and young adults, is known for its controversial and provocative shows, having aired highly explicit programmes on sex and drugs in the past.

The Dutch public has grown accustomed to the type of provocative shows that BNN prefers to air, and is usually indifferent when the company launches a new controversial programme.

The Big Donor Show however does not go unnoticed.

Atsma said: “I want to talk to BNN about this issue. BNN is solving one problem, but creates two others. Did BNN even consider how the two people will feel who will be rejected as donor recipients?”

BNN president Laurens Drillich said on Saturday the broadcast would go through as planned. “Participants have a 33-per-cent chance to get a kidney. That is substantially higher than people on the waiting list. One would expect the shortage of donor organs to diminish, but the contrary is true.”

Originally, BNN was founded by the late Bart de Graaf, a kidney patient since early childhood. De Graaf never received a donor kidney and died five years ago. BNN said the show wanted to demonstrate that five years after De Graaf’s death, there was still an alarming shortage of donor organs in the Netherlands.

The number of Dutch nationals registering as organ donors has been decreasing in recent years, causing the government to launch a new campaign urging the public to register.

Paul Beerkens, director of the Dutch Kidney Foundation, which collects money for research on kidney diseases, said he was very pleased BNN was paying attention to the donor shortage problem.

“But I do not support their methods,” Beerkens said, adding: “Besides, they do not offer a structural solution. For structural solutions, one must implement one of the donor masterplans our foundation developed.”

© 2006 – dpa German Press Agency

And yet I still have a better chance of getting a kidney here in NL than at home in the UK, because the UK hasn’t signed up to the EU transplant pool.

To those reading this who are disgusted by it – go and sign a donor card. Then you can be as disgusted as you like.


Not often you get two bits of Amsterdam kidney news in one day – the nephrology department that I attend at Vrij Universiteit Medisch Centrum burned down on Saturday:

Amsterdam – Police in Amsterdam said Saturday they were still investigating the cause of a fire which heavily damaged one of the city’s largest hospitals but caused no injuries.

The VUMC hospital in Amsterdam said Saturday it will not admit any new patients following a fire on its second floor.

The first aid and dialysis departments remain closed. The measures were put in place after a fire broke out in the hospital just before 0400 GMT Saturday morning, resulting in heavy damage.

Not a good week for us Amsterdam kidney patients, really.

This Weekend We Shall be Mostly… Discussing Marxism

As regular readers may know I’m a SWPer and Martin’s a Dutch SP member so of course there’s no way we’d miss Marxisme 2007, the Netherlands’ biggest annual event for the discussion of socialist ideas, theory and practice, which is being held this weekend the 20, 21 and 22 April, at the University of Amsterdam.

Speakers include

• Lindsey German (UK Stop the War Coalition)
• David Hilliard (Black Panther Party)
• Miriyam Aouragh (Together Against Racism)
• Hajo Meyer (Another Jewish Voice)
• Peyman Jafari (Internationale Socialisten)
• Ronald van Raak (Socialistische Partij MP)
• Bart Griffioen (Dutch Stop the War Coalition)
• Khaled Hroub (Author of “Hamas: A Beginners Guide”)
• Tofik Dibi (GroenLinks MP)
• Martijn de Rooi (researcher, Openness About Iraq)
• Susan George (Author of “Another World is Possible”)
• Geert Reuten (Head of Economics department, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
• John Rose (Autthor, “The Myths of Zionism”)
• Tariq Shadid (Dutch Organisation Of Palestinians)
• Donald Pols (Environmentalist)
• Pepijn Brandon (Editor of “De Socialist”)
• Dick Pels (Sociologist & Stichting Waterland)
• Mohamed Rabbae (One Land, One Unity)
• Jonathan Neale (Campaign Against Climate Change)
• Mohamed Waked (socialist from Egypt)

A lot of discussion will be in Dutch – but because we are internationalist, much will also be in English. Here’s registration details and directions in English:

MARXISME FESTIVAL 2007 registration

Register for the Marxism festival and buy tickets:

Entry prices:

– Friday: € 5
– Saturday: € 12,50 / € 10 *
– Sunday: € 10 / € 7,50 *
– Whole Weekend: € 20 / € 15,- *

* Savings for schoolchildren, students and those in reciept of state benefits.

Accommodation and childcare:

Free overnight sleeping places and childcare (daytime only) is available. To arrange contact the organisers direct.

Directions via public transport:

From Centraal Station by tram 4, 9, 16, 24 of 25: get out at the second stop at Spui. Bear left through Langebrugsteeg. Follow the Marxism placards.

It’s going to be good. We hope to see you there.

Martin you can’t miss, I’ll be in a vintage UK Marxism t-shirt of some description. Socialism is a little like SF fandom that way, when it comes to t-shirts, you gotta establish your seniority right from the start or you’ll get some spotty adolescent trying to teach his grandma to suck eggs about Gramsci, and that would never do.

Just look for red hair at a level about a foot and a half below a crowd of dairy-fed Dutch giants’ heads and that’ll be me. Say hello.

UPDATE: Via Dave Osler comes new that Lindsey German is also running against Ken Livingstone as Respect candidate for Mayor of London. Goodie.

Tiptoe Through The Tax Shelters

NL Tax shelters

Champion of the poor my arse – when it comes to tax shelters, that sanctimonious professional Irishman and hypocrite Bono’s could house the world’s homeless. Unfortunately one of the places where he and his greedy peers stash all their cash virtually tax-free is Holland, and more particularly Amsterdam.

The NYT has a long, informative and well-worth-the-read article on the way the Amsterdam has become a popular tax haven destination for celebrities and dictators alike, because of the right-wing, neoliberal, Balkanende government’s lax attitude to corporation tax and exemptions.

Here’s some of the best bits: the whole article is behind registration but you can read the whole article below the fold, as it were..


The Rolling Stones are not the only celebrities sheltering income in the land of tulips, windmills and Rembrandt. The rock powerhouse U2 has transferred lucrative assets to Amsterdam, as have other pop singers and well-known athletes, all of whom have used or continue to take advantage of the Netherlands’ tax shelters, according to a Dutch tax lawyer who requested anonymity because of client confidentiality agreements.

Entertainment companies and others that benefit handsomely from the Dutch shelters include EMI, the giant record label, and CKX Inc., the entertainment company that owns stakes in “American Idol,” the Elvis Presley estate and the soccer pin-up idol David Beckham.


Many of the world’s multinational corporations, like Coca-Cola, Nike, Ikea and Gucci, have set up holding companies here in recent years to take advantage of tax shelters nearly identical to the ones that the Rolling Stones and U2 use. An additional draw is the Dutch Finance Ministry’s recent willingness to issue advance rulings that effectively bless the tax shelters, a fast-track process that has lured in companies and individuals seeking to use the Netherlands as a tax shelter.


The Dutch shelter is simple: royalties that flow into or out of a Dutch holding company are exempt from taxes. Although the nominal corporate tax rate in the Netherlands is around 30 percent, analysts say that domestic tax shelters bring that rate down substantially.


Some experts see a darker side to the emergence of the Netherlands as a sought-after tax shelter. In 2000, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, based in Paris, black-marked the country as one of the world’s top five industrialized tax havens for promoting “treaty shopping” for low-tax jurisdictions. The Netherlands tightened certain rules, requiring more substance for Dutch companies set up solely to reduce or eliminate taxes. But some analysts say that troubles persist.

In its report last fall, SOMO, the research group, said the Dutch shelters affect “both the capacity of developing-country governments to supply essential services to their populations and the capacity of developed-country governments to provide finance for development in the form of debt relief and official development aid.” The report also said that “tax haven features of the Netherlands also facilitate money laundering and attract companies with a dubious reputation.”

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