Pop A Cap On Tick

Not on tick exactly, but close. I’m gobsmacked to learn that you can rent guns for $10. DIY death at discounted prices – only in a certain country…

A commenter on YouTube called this guy ‘the Colonel Sanders of murder’. Exactly.

UPDATE: Compare and contrast:

Yea kids!

(Do they mean wigs or weed, btw?) Cognitively dissonant much, America?

I thought California was a liberal state?

Elderly Gay Couple Forcibly Separated, Abused, Robbed By County Officials in California:

One evening, Harold fell down the front steps of their home and was taken to the hospital. Based on their medical directives alone, Clay should have been consulted in Harold’s care from the first moment. Tragically, county and health care workers instead refused to allow Clay to see Harold in the hospital. The county then ultimately went one step further by isolating the couple from each other, placing the men in separate nursing homes. Ignoring Clay’s significant role in Harold’s life, the county continued to treat Harold like he had no family and went to court seeking the power to make financial decisions on his behalf. Outrageously, the county represented to the judge that Clay was merely Harold’s “roommate.”

And remember, it’s not just teh gays who can and are treated this way by uncaring or greedy officials; any “onorthodox” couple living together but not legally married this could happen to. Even though these poor guys had everything in order, when push came to shove this was not enough. The state officials who caused this misery thought they could indulge their prejudices and greed without fear for punishment. They need to be hammered down hard or others will be hurt this way. Both businesses and (state) governments need to learn that if they pull shit like this they will pay for it.

Surf’s Up! Or Not, As The Case May Be.

The sun is shining, the shy is blue, it’s a gorgeous day for the beach. Pick up the kids and the towels, surf, sun, steak pasties for lunch and fresh cooked fish and chips on the way home. Brilliant.

But not for me, unfortunately. I’ve just had to cancel our week’s holiday in N. Cornwall because of the rapacity of the local dialysis clinic in Bodmin. It’s private, not NHS; so regardless of whether you have insurance to cover it they charge £225 per session, upfront, get it back from the insurance who knows when. Three sessions for the week = nearly a thousand euro = too damned much to pay out not knowing when you’ll get it back.

There are beaches here but they’re not the same – it’s not the Atlantic. There are no cliffs, just less endless muscle-sapping dunes and no surf to speak of despite the constant chilly wind. Ideal for windsurfing, but not much else. No, Dutch beaches just won’t do. It’s Summer and I yearn for Cornwall. Just the whiff of a pasty would do.

Oh well. Surf’s always up in Hawaii. It even comes out of the walls.


From The Telegraph’s picture gallery of trompe l’oeil murals by John Pugh:

His [John Pugh’s] immense mural in Honolulu features Queen Lili’uokalani, the last monarch of the Hawaiian Islands, with Duke Kahanamoku – the ultimate father of surfing. A colossal wave appears to crash right onto the pavement. It took two months of studio work to plan and a further six months to execute with the help of 11 other artists. The scene is so realistic that just as it was near completion, said John, it attracted the attention of the fire brigade which stopped its truck in the middle of traffic. “They jumped out to rescue the children in the mural,” he said

I thought they were real children looking at the painting too, until I saw the closeup:



Incredible. But still not quite the same as being there.