Blair’s bourgeois dictatorship

Via Blood and Treausre, comes this story about the ultimate New Labour policy initiative:

A new contract between the state and the citizen setting out what individuals must do in return for quality services from hospitals, schools and the police is one of the key proposals emerging from a Downing Street initiated policy review.

Examples include an expectation that a local health authority will only offer a hip replacement if the patient undertakes to keep their weight down. Parents might also be asked to sign individually tailored contracts with a school setting out what the parents must do at home to advance their child’s publicly-funded education.

The police might also promise to achieve a specific response time in a local area, so long as an agreement is struck on the local law and disorder priorities. The aim is to build on the government’s rights and responsibilities agenda, and papers released yesterday by the Cabinet Office speak of seeking “a new more explicit contract between the state and the citizen on agreed public outcomes”.

Here we have everything that makes New Labour so awful in one neat package: a distrust of the people, the centralised authoritarianism, the fetishisation of business as a model to run government services, the rampant managerialism. It is the logical outcome of nine years of New Labour policies, the last cornerstone of Blair’s bourgeois dictatorship. It is impossible to be a democracy if the state can exclude citizens from the services it provides based on some nebolous criteria it has drawn up itself. Moreover, it’s just as easy to exclude the critic of the local MP from receiving benefits for “antisocial thoughts” as it is to deny a smoker a new lung.

All in the name of “people like us”, the middle classes. Even if the middle classes, if they knew what they were getting, are not stupid enough to actually want it. But then again, the way it will be sold to the public is by pretending it will only apply to welfare scroungers, overweight chavs on estates still *gasp* smoking and terrorist sympathisers. Not to people with 2.4 children living in Islington who know which course goes with which wine, no…

(Crossposted from Wis[s]e Words.)

This Does not Inspire Confidence

There’s a good reason why they’re called the plod.

Watch Mark Thomas with a video camera runs rings around a bevy of beefy transport police at Highbury & Islington tube station – it’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages. This lot couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery, let alone a bloody war on terror.

I particularly like the constable leaning against the railings smirking. The whole thing has shades of Nobby and Sgt. Colon. Doesn’t it make you proud?

Read more: War on terror, London Underground, UK Police, Tube-bombings, Video, YouTube, Agitprop, Mark Thomas

Crap Abounds

Poor old Chimperor, he’s not doing well lately.

One my one his suckup cronies are deserting him and now even his most passionate political friend has dropped him overboard by proxy from the comfort of his luxury holiday yacht. The proxy is of course – nice cuddly Tone would never get his hands dirty – John Prescott, who’s desperate to get some popularity back from the party after his recent perks and pervs problems .

This arms-length denial of Bush is Blairs’ own hail-mary pass, a last desperate scramble to hold on to his job by denying the relationship that has been the bedrock of his prime-ministerial career. But is Blair really, finally finished?

An emergency resolution to oust Blair from the party leadership is already being circulated to MPs, constituency parties and conference delegates (who are much more important in this context than the parliamentary party) by the internal Campaign for Labour Party Democracy, prior to the Labour party conference next month. Support for the resolution amongst back-benchers and conference delegates looks to be snowballing .

But Blair has survived before and he has a strategy….

It’s my theory that he put Scots hardman John Reid, with his over-the-top pronouncements on terrorism – “We’re all dooomed, doomed I tell you”– and his dour hatchet-faced demeanour, in de facto charge of the country during his luxury yacht holiday as a compare and contrast exercise. Blair was implicitly asking the country “Resolute thrusting young executive or Mussolini-lite? Your choice.”

It was also a tacit warning to English voters against having a Scot in charge – a reference to the West Lothian question and thus yet another sideswipe at Gordon Brown.

And where has Gordon Brown been during all this? Yes, he’s been on holiday, yes he has a new child, but has he not got a mobile phone? Foreign affairs and government don’t just stop when someone’s on leave, paternity or otherwise. A Chancellor and pretender to the prime ministership who’s incommunicado is not quite like a middle manager buggering off on a week-long bender in Aya Napa and turning off the phone.

Brown’s been very quiet indeed on the issue of Lebanon, Israel, Bush and US Middle East policy – remarkably so for the supposed anointed successor to the leadership. Bush has another 2 years to go so the generous view would be that its a necessary political expedience on Brown’s part (whereas he no doubt considers it a statesmanlike position), but it still leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

What it says to the electorate is that Brown’s a man too scared to take a stand on a moral principle for fear of jeopardising his own career. He likes to portray himself as the morally upright son of the manse but to the majority of the population his continued failure to condemn US foreign policy shows exactly the opposite, that he’s a man prepared to compromise his principles for advancement, and not only that, that he hasn’t got the gumption to be purposeful and ruthless enough to make himself the hero of the hour in the party and the nation and get rid of the rightly detested Blair.

With his proxy condemnation of Bush (proxies are the new political black) Blair has stolen a march on Gordon Brown yet again, which leaves Brown looking very stupid. Whatever the outcome of the emergency resolution for Blair, it’s looking increasingly unlikely that Gordon will ever succeed to the leadership. Reid has been neatly eliminated from competition merely by the exposure of his true megalomaniac nature to the nation over the past couple of weeks. Other than ousted Foreign Secretary and Condi intimate Jack Straw, who seems to be biding his time, who else is is in the running?

Some commentators have been pushing oleaginous schools ministerDavid Milliband as the next Great White Hope for New Labour. Not having been a party member since the Clause 4 debacle I have no say in the matter (not that members have much more now) but if I did, I couldn’t imagine a worse choice.

Milliband is yet another member of yet another of those middle-class legacy Labour families like the Hobsbawms, Toynbees, Benns and so many others, local and national, who think that because their forebears were socialist pioneers it confers upon them the right to rule in perpetuity. Miliband’s never had a real job:

Former Head of the No 10 Policy Unit. He is a former Labour Party policy director (before 1997 election), Secretary of the Social Justice Commission and member of the IPPR. Brother of Ed Milliband, Special Adviser to Gordon Brown at the Treasury. He was paid ?70,000 in 2000. He went to Oxford University and MIT. While he was at No.10, no Government Green or White Paper was published until he cleared it.

Miliband and his peers in New Labour are not averse to using their own old-boys’ and girls’ networks to get ahead and they exude the same sense of personal and political entitlement ( though cloaked in a more touchy-feely disguise) as many of those inside-the-beltway, think-tank-employed, wingnut welfare recipents, who know no life outside that of party hacks, lobbyists and the continued jockeying for power and privilege.

We know them well, the political parasites in Westminster and Washington, the pampered ones who like to tell themselves they’re in their comfortable postions on merit and who’ve abrogated to themselves the absolute right to tell the rest of us what to do. Miliband is the most currently prominent of these and is rumoured to be Blairs own personal choice to succeed him as party leader and prsumably PM. He’s certainly been throwing his weight around like someone whose political future is assured.

Hmm. Hereditary privilege, nepotism, authoritarianism, hubris, no real world experience…

Miliband and Chimpy should get along like a house on fire.

Read More: UK Politics, US Politics, Blair. Brown, Bush Prescott, Crap, Miliband, Labour Party leadership, Middle East, Lebanon

Idiocy and Genius

It’s a goodish day today, if you leave aside the issue of Gaza which seems to be developing with a distinct lack of outcry from the West. This could turn very nasty indeed very quickly. There’s no going back from this invasion.

However, there were far-reaching and excellent legal decisions in the High Court and the US Supreme Court which for once bode well for democracy , it’s a gorgeous day, the garden’s looking lovely and I’m feeling physically not bad at all, considering.

So I’m sittting here doing my usual early-morning routine; drinking tea, smoking and swearing at Labour’s poison dwarf, Hazel Blears, who’s bleating on about how yesterday’s loss of the Blaenau Gwent seat is really a victory and all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

Lord, I loathe Blears – she’s what happens when you elevate a particularly smug and bovine borough council housing benefit clerk to undeserved national office. I can’t begin to describe the bathetic shallows of the woman, she’s everything you ever hated bout the lower-middle class in one evil little ginger package.

Simon Hoggart would know what to say about her.

I’ve always loved Hoggart – cerebrally, obviously, not in some sleazy Kimberly Fortierian way – and I and millions of others were very sad to hear he’s no longer to host Radio 4’s News Quiz something I’ve always looked forward to on Fridays. It’s not the weekend until the theme tune plays at 6.30.

Although the hilarious Sandi Toksvig promises to be a worthy successor, she doesn’t have the same parliamentary background that makes Hoggart such a cynical, amused radio presence. On the other hand, to have an out lesbian fronting over BBC radio’s flagship satire programme is pretty good too and she is bloody funny – “in February 2006 she joked that, as a result of being Danish and having studied Muslim law, in the light of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, she had never been so sought-after. ”

Toksvig also has a monthly column in Good Housekeeping, which is about as jam and Jerusalem as a women’s magazine gets. I buy it for the recipes, of course.

But we still have Hoggart’s parliamentary sketches in the Guardian to enjoy, and his is the first column I turn to every morning, before spending the next half-hour spitting and cursing it’s ‘hold on to nurse for fear of something worse’ editorials.

I need a good pun to start the day and today Hoggart excelled himself:

“Robert Flello, Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent South, had a question about drug use among young people. I listened tensely. Would the question or answer make possible an unspeakably bad pun? Mr Flello wanted more money spending on drug rehab work in Stoke. The minister, Parmjit Dhanda, praised his concern for his constituents, but said flatly that there would be no more money.

That was it! Thank heavens! It was, at last, a case of freeze a jolly good Flello.”

Ack, ack ack. I’m going to be wincing at that one all day.

Right, off for a stroll to the shop to enjoy this gorgeous blue and gold morning and get some milk – otherwise I can’t have coffee, and I need serious coffee to get stuck into reading the US blogs. It’s just not possible to read about the wingnuts’ latest depravities without a good head of caffeine to buffer the outrage.

Oh yes, and since it’s Friday, while I’m away, here, have a cute kitten. I’m too good to you people.


“Fuck Off Condi” says Blackburn

This whole Jack Straw/Condi Rice thing has me flummoxed. Is there some weird, perverted, chickenhawk romance going on? ( Personally I’ve always assumed she’s gay, but hey, who can tell? At the very least she appears sexually ambivalent.)

‘Yes, but how big’s his dunda, Condi?”

Jack has new contact lenses, Condi has a new hairdo, it’s all very luvvy and warm, and now Jack has invited new flame Condi home to meet the folks.

As she, with Straw, swans around a tiny Northern town in a bullet-proofed limousine with outriders, like some imperial potentate, those same folks have told her what they think of her, in no uncertain terms. And what they’re saying is fuck off, we don’t want you here.

First the mosque:

Muslim leaders yesterday withdrew an invitation to the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, to visit a mosque in the Blackburn constituency of the home secretary, Jack Straw.

Ms Rice was due to go to the Masjid al- Hidayah mosque tomorrow during her two-day tour of Blackburn and Liverpool as a guest of Mr Straw.

“The invitation to Ms Rice to visit the mosque came, as I understand it, from officials in Jack Straw’s office,” said Hamid Qureshi, chairman of the Blackburn-based Lancashire Council of Mosques. “They might not have consulted with the congregation and members were very angry and decided she should not come.”

Then the schools:

Demonstrators shouted “Condoleezza Rice go home” as she entered the school through a side entrance with the Foreign Secretary

Outside the school, mother of five Rabiya Adam, 33, said the US Secretary of State was not welcome in her home town.

“When I found out she was coming here to speak to our children, I didn’t want her to preach what she did in Iraq.”

She is going to see plenty of Blackburn, and will be able to meet many members of the Asian community in town

Arif Waghat, 47, a retail manager, said his 15-year-old daughter and son, 14, were at the maths and computing college today.

He said: “I’m not going to let a couple of warmongers deprive my children of their education. My opposition is to the war. I’m basically a pacifist.”

Inside the school Ms Rice met pupils including 16-year-old Jabbar Khan. He said she had told him she was not enjoying the cold and cloudy English weather.

As Ms Rice left the school police prevented protesters following her.

Hanif Dudhuala, a member of the community forum at Pleckgate, said: “We have been told that Ms Rice has said that she would like to talk to protesters.

If that’s true, I would ask Ms Rice to turn her words into actions so we can raise our concerns with her.”

Like that’s ever going to happen. Both Rice and Straw live in their own little chickenhawk security bubble.

Jack and Condi sittin’ in a tree, w-a-r-m-o-n-g-e-r-i-n-g…. Oh lord, can you imagine what the kids would look like? Northerner’s have an expression that would describe any putative Rice-Straw offspring perfectly – ‘fey as a box of frogs’. Urgh, I’m going to stop thinking about it. I feel dirty.

More likely is that they’re cooking up some sort of united front, Rice for the ’08 election, and Straw for the Labour party leadership. It’s a match made in hell.

Read more: Condi Rice Jack straw Iraq War Blackburn

UPDATE: Much more info on the royal progress available at Condiwatch UK