Top Stories Wednesday 06 Nov

Counterspin has written a series of posts on what the Democratic Party should learn from the election:

POST ELECTION REBUILDING STRATEGY: The Democrats need to rediscover their souls. They’ve been too bogged down in trying to find wedge issues that appeal to strategic voting blocs [like Precription Drugs for Seniors] than in developing an overarching governinig philosophy, and STICKING to it, even if it doesn’t initially poll well.

Atrios is disappointed about the
election results:

Well, bugger. Gave up and went to bed as I couldn’t take it anymore.

My post election wrap up is that the Democrats believed they shouldn’t make this a national election. They were wrong. Gephardt should go, and probably Daschle as well.

Here comes the flat tax!

Here comes GOP uterus control!


Top Stories Tuesday 05 Nov

FABlog has good advice for anybody
worrying about the possibility of The Draft being reinstated:

If George W. Bush and his cronies have their way we will have a war that should lead to the re-instatment of the draft. My advice? Check the “Whoopie Box.” Don’t go. Stay home and tend to our Men in Uniform — by helping them out of it.

Counterspin goes back
to Jeb Bush’s abysmal record on child protection:

THE DEAD BABY CAUCUS: Notice the absence of any kind of protest or complaint from “pro-life” forces about Jeb’s abysmal Child Protection record? Babies and young children are being slaughtered due to Jeb’s incompetent Department of Children and Families, and the “pro-life” crowd says absolutely nothing. In fact, they SUPPORT Jeb!

Any so-called “pro-life” advocate who votes for Jeb Bush is a colossal hypocrite. They demonstrate, conclusively, that their “concern” for children ENDS the minute a child is actually born.

Terminus is upset about the
Republican’s treatment of black voters:

The point is that Republicans don’t want blacks to vote. But you can’t blame them for that. What we can blame them for is actively, and illegally, preventing them from exercising this precious Constitutional right. But as long as they get away with it, they’ll keep doing it. Especially when they are running in elections so tight that a few thousand illegally disenfranchised blacks make all the difference.


Top Stories Monday 04 Nov

The special Election weblog has a story to make your blood boil:

Unless turnout is ridiculously low, there is no way that voters in Broward county will have enough time to vote using the new touch screen machines. It is estimated that it should take on average 15 minutes per voter. There are 987,000 registered voters in the county. There are 5765 machines. With, say, 500,000 voters turning out that means 86 voters per machine. With polls scheduled to be open for 12 hours, that means that just over half of voters would have time to vote – assuming an even distribution of voters across machines. Election officials in Florida have declined to allow paper ballots to supplement the machines in case of long lines, and two congressmen are taking it to Ashcroft and possibly to federal court.

Full details are here.