Republican family values

David Hager, who sodomises sleeping women

I know most of these Republican big wigs are sick fucks, but sheesh, this takes the cake. Pathetic, creepy, perverted, with the full suite of sexual hangups, but this?

Meet David Hager, “a prominent obstetrician-gynecologist and Bush Administration appointee to the Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)” as well as a Christian nutcase, but that goes without saying in the Bush administration. He’s obsessed with female sexuality, but again, that goes without saying. No, what he said to have done is much worse: he has been accused by his ex-wife of sodomising her in her sleep:

According to Davis, Hager’s public moralizing on sexual matters clashed with his deplorable treatment of her during their marriage. Davis alleges that between 1995 and their divorce in 2002, Hager repeatedly sodomized her without her consent. Several sources on and off the record confirmed that she had told them it was the sexual and emotional abuse within their marriage that eventually forced her out. “I probably wouldn’t have objected so much, or felt it was so abusive if he had just wanted normal [vaginal] sex all the time,” she explained to me. “But it was the painful, invasive, totally nonconsensual nature of the [anal] sex that was so horrible.”

Huffington Post Scooped: JimmyJeff’s ‘Tutor’ Identified

Woah. Philadelphia Blog Attytood obviously has more stomach for the smug and self-obsessed than I have and has actually been reading Arianna Huffington’s group blog. In doing so he’s come across this nugget of pure political gold:

“…the overhyped site has been up and running for less than 24 hours, and already one of its many “group bloggers” has accidentially dropped a scoop right in Attytood’s lap.

The highly rated news anchor for the ABC affiliate in Pittsburgh (in a key battleground state, you’ll recall) admits in his very first post that — in so many words — he’s a conservative mole in the mainstream media, that he’s actively helping a Karl Rove acolyte to train new right-wing journalists, and that one of his “star pupils” is none other than the notorious “Jeff Gannon,” the gay-hooker-turned-bogus-pro-GOP journalist.

The TV newsman is named Scott Baker, and for nearly a decade he’s been the anchorman on the 5 p.m. and noon newscasts on WTAE (Channel 4) in Pittsburgh, a Hearst-Argyle station that carries ABC programming.

But Baker has another job — one that he doesn’t list on his resume, although he does (sort of) ‘fess up in his Huffington Post post. It turns out he teaches journalism to young conservatives at the Leadership Institute School of Broadcast Journalism, founded by Karl Rove associate and former national Young Republican director Morton Blackwell. And anchorman Baker is not just their star instructor — he’s also a graduate.”

A neat little illustration of the porousness between US journalism, paid lobbying and politics – not that the UK is much better; after all we are the country in which a Prime Minister elected on barely a third of the potential vote can appoint an unelected crony to the cabinet. But I digress. This is a very juicy nugget of information, if true.

Full story…

The rise of hate crime

David Neiwert explains why hate crimes are on the rise again in the USA:

— The country is being led by a cadre of thoughtless fearmongers who do not hesitate to wave the bloody shirt of terrorism to silence their critics and stigmatize anyone who acts “different.” The harmful effects of this behavior from our leadership on the general populace is incalculable.

— A particularly shallow brand of patriotism — replete with jingoist sentiments, hatred of The Other, and a hollow symbolism — has been promoted in every possible avenue, from national television broadcasts to the corner drugstore. This kind of thoughtless “Americanism” is an important feature of many hate crimes (including the one Death on the Fourth of July focuses upon) and plays a significant role in forumulating the motivations for this violence.

— Most of all, a fog of intolerance has filtered across the national landscape over the past decade, thanks mostly to right-wing propagandists with massive popular reach: Rush Limbaugh, Michael Weiner (aka Savage), Dr. Laura, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and the whole phalanx of their imitators. The thrust of the modern conservative movement has morphed from any sense of real conservative values into a relentless attack on the very notion of tolerance for anyone who is not part of that movement: liberals, gays and lesbians, other faiths, other colors.