Selling Pooh Sticks With Style

At first I was like all, WTF? when I saw this ad for the Comfort Wipe post-defecation self-cleaning device at Consumerist. But on further viewing I find this commercial a masterpiece of allusion and understatement.

Look how they cleverly suggested their target markets with their cast, there. Subtle. Bravo ad agency!

The pooh stick concept itself I’m not so impressed with. There’s seriously a market for this thing?

Comedy Double

I haven’t done one for a while but as it’s Friday and it’s raining here’s some cute, funny cat commercials for your perusal and delectation.

Cat v Fish, maybe not the outcome you’d expect:

Is your cat trying to tell you something?

Sometimes I really do miss British tv.

Bonus clip: This is in Thai, but never mind the quality – feel the width!