I must represent poison in my diet. It is just another food, after all.

Michael Rosen presents the best put argument yet on the folly of allowing the BNP to appear on Question Time

The BBC also has a requirement to represent different ‘communities’ and to be itself diverse. It is also clear it cannot do this if it represents the BNP for the simple reason that the BNP wants to eliminate different ‘communities’ and diversity. Griffin has made it clear that he wants to whiten the BBC itself – with his comments about the black Friar Tuck on ‘Robin Hood’ for example and his booklet on Jews in the BBC. In other words there comes a point where total diversity breaks down. And that’s when there is a political party that wants to use the BBC in order to smash the very polity that is putting that party on air. It would be as if, I, believing in principle I should eat a variety of foods, also on that principle knowingly drink poison. ‘Ah well,’ I say to myself ‘I must represent poison in my diet. It is just another food, after all.’

No platorm for the BNP

You can’t “expose” the BNP on Question Time:

There is also no prospect of such a programme resulting in the BNP’s being ‘exposed’. It is said that since most BNP members can’t put together a coherent argument, they will easily be shown up and ridiculed. But they do not need coherent arguments. Most guests on Question Time do not have coherent arguments. It is a programme, like Have I Got News For You, or Mock the Week, in which the key is to have a good line at the right time. It is carefully choreographed and practised. What the BNP need, therefore, is carefully phrased incitements, presented in a plausible manner. The fascists have demonstrated on the streets and in previous media appearances that they are capable of this much. Even if they were as dumb as an American Idol contestant, there would still be no chance of their being ‘exposed’. The important things that would require exposure – the matter of the BNP’s record, its ideological lineage, the violence and criminality of its members, etc. – are points that require time, patience and evidence to explain. None of those assets are available on a panel quiz show.