You Know How to Whistle Don’t You….?

You just put your prehensile lips together and blow.

Then you make a CD, of course.

Hot on the heels, or should I say claws, of the disco parrot comes the whistling orangutan of Heidelberg:

Entitled “Ich Bin Ujian” (“I Am Ujian”), the CD single by Ujian, a 14-year-old orangutan, will go on sale at the zoo in June. Proceeds will go toward the extension and renovation of the zoo’s ape house.

The song, a jaunty pop-rock number with reggae elements, features Ujian’s melodic whistling as a background element. The lyrics, sung by Tobias Kämmerer, follow a similarly self-aggrandizing stance as the classic “I Wan’na Be Like You” sung by the orangutan King Louie in the animated movie “The Jungle Book,” with the chorus including the lines: “I am Ujian the orangutan, I am so cool, man, I’m a star.”

If Ujian’s the new Susan Boyle, I wonder, will they be giving him a Susan Boyle style makeover?