Labour To MPs – Keep On Troughing, You’ve Done Nothing Wrong

Oink, Oink, Oink. So much for shame. Peter Riddell, The Independent:

A remarkable email, sent to Labour members by the Parliamentary Labour Party’s office and leaked to The Independent, says: “It would be easy for the public to gain the impression from this [media] coverage that MPs are generally claiming excessively or outside the rules laid down by Parliament, which is not the case.”

The briefing paper, from the PLP’s resource centre, insisted that the expenses claims disclosed in recent days enjoyed “the full approval of the parliamentary authorities”


Today MPs will launch a drive to restore public confidence in the system.


Good luck with that. Squeal, piggies, squeal!

Do Keep Up, Pundits

Me, April 2008:

I predict, right here and now, that Alan Johnson will be the next leader of the Labour party. I’m even willing to put a fiver on it, as I did on John Major, and I was right about him too…

….who would this likely new leader be? Harriet Harman? Dawn Primarolo? Cooper herself ? Those cooing martinets of incompetence offend women and men alike. Straw? Iraq – enough said. Hillary Benn? Not unless technocracy gets sexy all of a sudden. One of the Millibands? Surely they can’t’ve finished their work experience already….

You see what I mean. Who’s left that hasn’t pissed everyone off, but Alan Johnson?

Jackie Ashley, recently-turned former Brownite, in The Guardian this morning:

… If the party gets the kind of historic shredding the polls suggest then all bets are off.

…Stopping that kind of meltdown is focusing many minds and explains why Alan Johnson has become such a fashionable figure. He is genuine, genial, moderate and working class. He has spoken loyally without sounding greasy – and without closing the door on his own emergence as a unity candidate leader. Yesterday, defending Hazel Blears, he emphasised her roots as a working-class woman. “Blokes and blokettes, keeping calm and carrying on” would be the message.

What did I tell you? Sometimes even I’m shocked at my own prescience. Anyone willing to stake a fiver against Johnson now?

The Audacity Of Hypocrisy

Peterr at Firedoglake:

Never Again? That’ll be Quite a Speech, Mr. President
By: Peterr Tuesday April 21, 2009 4:20 pm

How does Obama speak at the national Holocaust remembrance commemoration on the topic “Never Again: What You Do Matters” one week after releasing memos outlining torture as an official US policy, and after declaring that those who employed it will not be prosecuted? We’ll find out on Thursday.

Oh, he’ll manage it; he knows all about the uses of rhetoric.