He May Be Leader In Waiting But Can Obama Get My Kitchen Done?

The US’ citizenry may be going to the polls in record numbers today and voting Obama (as well they should, when these are the people they’re up against), but I’m a bit lacking in election fever myself. because this is a fair summary of what’s happening at our house:

Nah, it’s not really – our builders don’t wear hats.

One builder is a South African misanthrope who’s an object lesson in how the colonial Dutch have taken all the worst Dutch qualities, like didacticism and bad manners, and amplified them. The other builder is a miniscule Glaswegian of indeterminate vintage who with his Russian girlfriend was expecting a baby 3 days ago, and who jumps like a scalded cat whenever his phone beeps.

Everything is covered in plaster dust, it’s cold, the water’s off, I’m holed up in the bedroom with an instant coffee because I tripped up over the cat and broke the glass in my cafetiere which is going to be a bugger to replace in Holland and the laundry is piling up and to get clean socks I may have to go and buy some.

But aren’t Bernard Cribbins and Lego absolutely made for each other?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.