Politicise this tragedy

P. Z. Myers tells us what he really thinks about the Arizona murders and their larger political implications:

What we have here is an attempted assassination of a politician by an insane crank at a political event, in a state where the political discourse has been an unrelenting howl of eliminationist rhetoric and characterization of anyone to the left of Genghis Khan as a traitor and enemy of the state…and now, when six (including a nine year old girl) lie dead and another fourteen are wounded, now suddenly we’re concerned that it is rude and politicizing a tragedy to point out that the right wing has produced a toxic atmosphere that pollutes our politics with hatred and the rhetoric of violence?

Screw that. Now is the time to politicize the hell out of this situation. The people who are complaining are a mix of lefty marshmallows whose first reaction to the fulfillment of right-wing fantasies by a lunatic is to drop to their knees and beg forgiveness for thinking ill of people who paint bullseyes on their political opponents, and right wing cowards who are racing to their usual tactic of attacking their critics to shame them into silence. This is NOT the time to back down and suddenly find it embarrassing to point out that right-wing pundits make a living as professional goads to insanity.

Sarah Bloody Palin

The most depressing thing I’ve read all week:

Palin has figured out that this is really all you have to do to win elections in this country — flatter middle Americans’ moronic fantasies about themselves.


Sarah Palin on the other hand really is the kind of person who you can picture eating egg salad off a ping-pong table. That and her utterly genuine stupidity and meanness can take her a long way — all by themselves, I think these things can win the White House for her — and it seems like she senses this on an animal/reptilian level. Hence the renewed emphasis on jacking off her audiences of late.

Not to worry. The next post down has kittens.

Wahahaha. Guess Who?

‘If people only knew how frugal we are’

UPDATE: I knew my fashion antennae weren’t mistaken. The NYT via Steve Benen at AlterNet:

Some of the fashion experts consulted Wednesday, for instance, about the $150,000 in purchases that appeared on Federal Election Commission records were puzzled by where all of that money had gone, given what they had seen of Ms. Palin’s wardrobe.

Consider also the $4,902.45 charge at Atelier New York, a high-end men’s store, presumably for Ms. Palin’s husband, Todd, the famous First Dude.

Karlo Steel, an owner there, said he had gone through the store’s receipts for September, twice, and found no sales that matched that amount, nor any combination of sales that added up to the total. Because the store carries aggressively directional men’s wear, he caters to a small clientele and knows most of his customers by name, as well as the history of their purchases…. “We have no recollection of that sale and no idea what they are talking about,” Mr. Steel said.

Similarly, the RNC records show a charge of $98 at a high-end children’s boutique in Minneapolis, but after going through their receipts, the store owners found no record of the sale.

How very odd.


It occurs to me that someone is quite possibly converting campaign money to his, her or their own use. I wonder who?

An Embarassment of Riches

For Merkin readers who’ve already seen this I apologise, but us Euroweenies otherwise have to wait for the weekly Daily Show compendium to turn up on cable or Fox, ack spit.

Apropos of the previous Palin post and for those of us evil eurocommie elitists who wonder how the Palins can be just so bloody ignorant, venal, provincial and meatheaded, here’s Understanding Real America in Wasilla:

“After a few days in Wasilla, Jason Jones understands what real America is all about.” God, I hope not.